Sunday, February 10, 2013

Psalm 1

This first and very familiar psalm contrasts two types of people: the godly and the wicked.  In the comparison, he shows how the one is blessed and the other will perish.
The word blessed is a word similar to the exclamation “O how happy!”  Its source is different from that of the common word happiness.  Happiness can have its motivation from two sources: internal happenings or external happenings. Happiness that comes from external sources is short lived, but that derived from the internal is long lasting.
Imagine the excitement of going to a large amusement park with food, games and rides.  As you finally arrive and walk through the gate, your insides are tumbling with excitement.  You spend the entire day taking in all that the park has to offer.  You are happy!  However, if you returned the next day and the next and continued to go to the park everyday, you will soon become sick of the park and the fun will be gone.  You were happy, but the source was not sufficient to bring true long lasting happiness.
Now, imagine that you are with the Apostle Paul in prison.  Food, hygiene and sanitation are drastically below health standards.  It is in this setting that the Apostle writes the epistle to the Philippians, which most determine the theme of the book to be joy in Christ.  How can Paul be so happy in a place like this?  It is because the source for his happiness is from within.  Inside of Paul dwells the Holy Spirit.  He has a relationship with him, God the Father and the Son. Because his source for happiness is from within and not the world without, nothing can rob him of his joy.  Try to remember how many times in reference to a party, get together or holiday, you have heard someone say, “Well that just ruins everything!”  Their source for happiness was focused on the outside. During the Christmas season, does your happiness come from the glitter of the holiday or does it stem from your interaction with God as you praise him for loving you so much to come to the Earth and die for your sin.  Does your happiness come from winning the church picnic softball game or that the Lord has been so good to you by leading you to a good church and providing you with close friends.  These are a few of the many examples of how in every situation of life, we can look within or without for our source of happiness.
Many ask, “How can I have this joy?”  It is simple and is stated in this first psalm.  You must direct your focus away from the world, its philosophies and what it has to offer and look to the Word of God.  As the Lord speaks to you and leads you to principles that apply to your life, you must meditate upon them: turn them over in your heart.  It is by this manner that the Word of God becomes a part of your being.  You will not only know the Bible, but you will understand it and it will become a part of what you are.  Once you have this word deeply rooted within you, the many blessings concerning it will come.
However, if you neglect the Word of God, you too shall be tossed about as the wicked.  Although you may have eternal life in Christ and will one day be with him, you can miss out on what the Lord has for you and instead experience life as the lost do.

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