Sunday, March 23, 2014

You Can Always Come Back (Mark 16:7)

 Did you ever have a friend that you were close to, but then something happened between that marred the relationship to where it was never able to be restored?  If it did not happen to you, you probably know somebody who experienced it.  In situations like that, the division may be mutual with neither person attempting to reconcile the relationship.  There probably have been situations where both people wanted to reconcile, but thought that the other would have nothing to do with them and therefore never made any attempts for restoration.  Cases like this are similar to the Apostle Peter and Jesus.

At a most critical time, Peter denied Jesus and went against his proclamation of never denying him and even being willing to die for him.  The shattering in the relationship occurred at the sounding of the cock crowing.  From that moment on, Peter lived with the guilt and shame of his decision and subsequently walked away and returned to fishing.  The self verdict from his guilt was that The Lord would no longer want him, but he was wrong.  Jesus knew the struggle that Peter experienced.  So when he sent message that he was going to Galilee, he told Mary to tell the disciples and Peter that they could see him there.  Had he merely told her to tell the disciples, Peter would have excluded himself from the group because he felt unworthy.

But go your way, tell his disciples and Peter that he goeth before you into Galilee: there shall ye see him, as he said unto you. (Mark 16:7)

The love of God is so great that regardless of how far we have walked away from him and how long we have been away, he wants us to return.  There is nothing that we have done that can deter or diminish his love for us.  He will always want us back into a relationship with him.  If there are any hinderances to us returning, these hinderances are either created by our own belief system or we have bought into the lies of the enemy that daily war against our hearts and minds.

If you are away from God, he wants you to return to him.  Nothing needs to be accomplished in order to be accepted back.  Whatever baggage you bring, he will sort out the mess that has been created.  He will lead you back into the path that leads by the still waters and bring restoration to your soul that you have been longing to experience.  Right now, he is waiting for you to come back.

If you would like to read more of these thoughts in a hard copy format, my new book is now available at the link below.

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