Saturday, March 22, 2014

Casting Away To Get (Mark 10:50)

The day started as many others.  He awoke in darkness, arose from his bedding and began another day of begging.  Staggered in the dark through the city, he found his spot by the gate.  With his garments wrapped around him, he sat and waited.  As the city stirred, he began to cry the same humbling words that he had for many years.  In discouragement, he probably said to himself, "How much longer can I live like this?  I can't wait to die."  These may be words that filled his heart until he heard about Jesus and the miracles that he performed.

One day, which started the same as every other, was about to change when he heard that Jesus was in the city.  As he cried out to Jesus, others tried to get him to stop.  Because this was his only hope, he continued to cry out, Jesus thou Son of David, have mercy on me!  Jesus heard his cry and gave Bartimaeus his sight.

My favorite part of this miracle account was when Bartimaeus cast off his garment.  And he, casting away his garment, rose, and came to Jesus. (Mark 10:50). By this act, he abandoned any expectation of returning to his begging post and the location of the garment was unimportant, because he would for the first time be able to look for it with his own eyes.

For those who had the opportunity to come to Jesus, they dropped everything so that they could cling to him.  Nothing else was important because they found him or he who is the most important in the universe.  Many have come to him from all walks of life and he disappoints none.  No longer do they hope for a better life, but instead possess it.

If you would like to read more of these thoughts in a hard copy format, my new book is now available at the link below.

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