Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Faith Beyond The Circumstances (Luke 1:13)

In his old age, Zacharias prayed for his wife to have a son.  All reasoning suggested that it would never occur and in more probability it would most likely take a miracle.  Nevertheless, he prayed and his prayer brought these words, "But the angel said unto him, Fear not, Zacharias: for thy prayer is heard; and thy wife Elisabeth shall bear thee a son, and thou shalt call his name John." (Luke 1:13). How was Zacharias able to continually pray in spite of what appeared to be a hopeless situation?

It is not desire that will keep you praying, but your faith.  It was not Zacharias' desire for a son that motivated him to pray, but instead his faith in God.  Desires may change, but the expectancy of faith will remain the same.  Any hope for situations to change can be explained away, but faith will remain firm.  

When circumstances turn darker, faith becomes the only option.  Thoughts of faith may momentarily dwell in the heart of man, but in order for faith to stand firm there must be communion in God's word and with the Holy Spirit of God.  The Holy Spirit will bear witness of the truth of the word.  His witness coupled with the promises of God's word will strengthen faith.  Strong faith is not a greater amount of faith, but instead a faith that endures longer.  The duration of your faith will last in direct proportion to the depth of your relationship and walk with The Lord.  If your relationship is shallow, your faith will only be short live.  If your relationship is deep, then your faith will much longer endure.

To develop your faith, you must spend time getting to know the person of God who is the focus of your faith.  As you fellowship each day in his word, reflect on the character of God and what he has done for you.  Personalize the scriptures, which means when God speaks of love, consider that he is speaking of loving you.  When he declares to take notice of every need, he is speaking of his care for you.  Remember to speak to The Lord in prayer and bear your heart to him.  In time, he will manifest his presence to you and draw you even closer to himself.  The closer you get to God, the greater your faith will become.

If you would like to read more of these thoughts in a hard copy format, my new book is now available at the link below.


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