Thursday, March 27, 2014

The Testimony Of Prayer (Part 2)

How long did Zacharias pray?  The scriptures do not say.  He may have began praying when his wife was still of child bearing age, but as time went on his prayers became a little more earnest.  How often do you think he became discouraged?  How many times did he want to just give up and accept the fact that he would be fatherless?  But instead of giving up, he continued to prayer.

What he did not know was that when his prayer would be answered, his testimony would shine like a spotlight.  However in order for his light to shine, God would need him to wait for answered prayer.  Had his wife had a child at 40 years of age, people would have said, "Great!" and the brightness of his testimony would be dim.  At 50 years of age, his light of testimony for answered prayer would have been even greater, but if she was 60 years old, those around her would have been stunned by his shinning testimony.  The brightest light of testimony in prayer will take time.  The longer we are willing to wait, the more glory God will get in the eyes of those who witness our answered prayer.  The question is are we willing to wait on God? 

As you struggle in your trial, continue praying and yield to God.  Ask for his strength and let him know that you will trust his will and yield to his plan.  He will provide the strength that you need and in his time will answer your prayer.  The testimony of what he has done in your life will shine like the sun, but we must wait.  Waiting is never easy, but if we can understand why God requires us to wait, the waiting becomes more bearable.  This is not the only reason why God delays in answering prayer, but hopefully it will enable you to endure through the night.

If you would like to read more of these thoughts in a hard copy format, my new book is now available at the link below.

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