Thursday, March 6, 2014

Miracles Start With Compassion (Mark 6:34)

Miracles performed by Jesus were always for a specific purpose.  For nearly all miracles a specific connection between Jesus and people can be identified and because of this connection, the miracle was performed.  In the miracle of feeding five thousand, the connection was between Jesus and the multitude and was expressed with the words "and was moved with compassion toward them."

Because of compassion, God chooses to meet our daily needs.  He does not answer prayer or supply our needs because of our standard of living or because we abstained for sin, for there is not a single person on the earth who has abstained or could abstain from sin to a measure that would please God (Romans 7:15, 18).  God meets our needs because of his compassion.

We must remember that our physical, emotional and spiritual needs are met because of the compassion of God.  His compassion is greater than the miracle.  Create more bread and fish?  Not a problem, but to overcome the effects that sinners have brought to your heart is another matter.  Compassion is a by product of love and for God to love us is the greatest miracle of all.  

As you read the miracle accounts, consider God and the part that his compassion plays in each act.  As you consider miracles and answered prayers that have occurred in your life, praise him for those works and also for his love and compassion that motivated them.

If you would like to read more of these thoughts in a hard copy format, my new book is now available at the link below.

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