Saturday, March 22, 2014

Whom Should I Obey (Mark 14:6)

The woman with the alabaster box loved Jesus and wanted to present to him some gift or service to show her love and appreciation.  While unknowingly anointing Jesus for his burial, others stood in opposition.  They had a better idea and plan for how her money and service could have been rendered.

It is important for us to remember that our walk with The Lord is personal and one of devotion.  When The Lord presses upon your heart to do something for him, it is because he desires it.  Others do not know what your walk with The Lord is like and exactly what expectations he has for you.  Therefore, they are unable to determine if you are correctly following The Lord or not.  

And Jesus said, Let her alone; why trouble ye her? she hath wrought a good work on me. (Mark 14:6)

If your act of devotion is not contrary to clearly stated doctrine, do what The Lord has led you to do.  You would be better to obey God than man.  In this day, many have abused their position in the church and have adopted a view that they have the mind of God and can determine exactly what you can say and do and in fact how you should live your life down to the smallest details.  

God does not want us to live a life of fear and bondage, but to enjoy life with him. (Romans 8:15) We should obey those that have the rule over us and to follow their example of faith, but not to the point of failing to follow God.

If you would like to read more of these thoughts in a hard copy format, my new book is now available at the link below.

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