Sunday, March 30, 2014

Lying Vanities (Psalm 31:6)

Life seems to be going along fine and them circumstances quickly change.  What once seemed to be an easy life is suddenly changed into stormy circumstances of trials. When this occurs, we have one of two options: either to attempt at working out our own deliverance or by faith rely on The Lord to deliver us from or through our circumstances.

The Psalmist contrasts himself with those who rely on resources other than The Lord.  I have hated them that regard lying vanities: but I trust in the Lord. (Psalms 31:6). The lying vanities are those things which others trusts to deliver themselves in times of trouble.  The Psalmist, David, was not saying that he never struggled with trying to deliver himself.  The scriptures give examples of how David attempted to bring about his own deliverance (2 Samuel 12 & 2 Samuel 24:1-3, 10).  But what he was saying was that his heart at that time was fully relying on The Lord and not vain opportunities.

Each day we face the same decisions concerning our trials: shall we trust The Lord or strive to work out our deliverance and pray for The Lord to bless our efforts?  Many are confused about this matter and think that they are trusting God, but in reality are only looking for his help at self deliverance.  When we are trusting God and not lying vanities, we will be resting in him.  When we rest in him, we are not working to deliver nor are we experiencing worry, fear or anxiety.  If we find ourselves striving, worrying, fearful or anxious, we are not resting.  Instead of resting in God, we carry the problems in our hearts as if we were responsible for solving them.  Rest is just that: to rest.  When we rest, someone else does the needed work.  For our trials, that somebody is The Lord.  The abundant life is the life of resting in Jesus.  As we rested in him for salvation and deliverance from sin, we too should rest in him for deliverance from trials.  If not, all other work is trusting in lying vanities.

If you would like to read more of these thoughts in a hard copy format, my new book is now available at the link below.

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