Wednesday, March 12, 2014

Satisfied In The Wilderness (Mark 8:4)

I remember several years back when I was on one of those high protein-low carbohydrate diets.  My diet consisted of items such as meat, nuts, eggs, cheese and protein drinks with very little bread, potatoes and pasta.  I endured for a while until my Italian urges kicked in.  For days, I began to crave nothing but spaghetti.  All I could think about was a large plate of pasta, covered with the family sauce and some sliced white bread.  One day, I just couldn't stand it any longer.  I came home from work and began preparing the long desired meal.  My daughter asked what I was doing and in a pasta withdraw tone I snapped, "I'm making spaghetti!"  In just a short time, I was stuffing myself with several pieces of bread and two large plates of pasta.  Finally, I was satisfied.

After three days in the wilderness, the people hungered and longed for food.  With compassion, Jesus fed them with bread and they too were satisfied.  They were not satisfied in the towns, but were satisfied where they were which was in the wilderness.

And his disciples answered him, From whence can a man satisfy these men with bread here in the wilderness? (Mark 8:4)

Remember your life before coming to Christ.  You too were in the wilderness.  You aimlessly wandered to and fro looking for something in life to satisfy.  You found that nothing the world had to offer could fill and satisfy the longing in your soul.  Then one wonderful day, the truth of the gospel came into your heart.  You saw Jesus for who he is and trusted him as Savior.  Immediately he satisfied you in the midst of your wilderness.  Fountains of water sprung up in your desert heart and your parched soul was quenched.  You too were finally satisfied.

Today, you still experience trials and they too seem like wilderness experiences.  Praise be to God that his presence with us in trials is as pools of water in the desert.  The trials may put your soul into extremely undesirable circumstances which try your faith, but as Jesus did with those in the wilderness and for you many times in your past, he with compassion will again satisfy your soul's needs.  Look to him, the supply is coming.

If you would like to read more of these thoughts in a hard copy format, my new book is now available at the link below.

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