Saturday, November 23, 2013

RAPE (2 Samuel 13)

The desire in his heart moved him to target her.  With innocence and love she cared for her brother as his plan to satisfy himself unfolded.  He forced himself upon her and then cast her aside as refuse.  What were the results of this act and specifically, how did they affect Tamar?

When Amnon forced himself upon his sister, he did more than just take her virginity.  His wounds went much deeper because he first deceived her with love.  He conveyed love by desiring that he needed her to care for him.  His deception of being sick played upon her empathy and falsely convey his need for her.  This deception of love may have created wounds just as deep as the rape itself.

Amnon traumatized Tamar by his act of physical aggression.  Her cries of reasoning fell deafly upon his ears.  His heart was not concerned for love, but only lust.  Although the physical struggle may have only lasted for moments, she would continually struggle with it by reliving that moment for years to come.  Amnon also victimized Tamar with shame.  Tamar would experience shame as the community looked her, but more so would she face shame as she looked upon herself.  The one she may possibly be able to escape, but the other would be ever present.  Before rape, Tamar proudly wore the garments that the King's virgin daughters wore.  After rape, she wore shame and disgrace.  Her character, reputation and testimony were stolen from her.

Possibly the greatest of wounds occurred when she became hated by Amnon.  The term for hatred conveys the idea that the subject of hate is counted as an enemy.  In Amnon's eyes, Tamar became the enemy.  He saw it as her fault.  Her beauty, delicateness and femininity caused it all.  He probably saw himself as the victim of her beauty and was unable to control himself.

As an outcast, Tamar remained stunned and devastated as those around her did nothing.  Then after two years, Amnon was killed by Tamar's brother.  Amnon paid the price for the wrong that he did to his sister, but his payment did not removed any of the wounds created by his selfish sinful act.  Tamar wound carry those wounds with her for the rest of her life.

You or someone you love may be the victim of sexual abuse.  There is hope in the midst of this devastation.  God recorded this passage to reveal to them that he understands the depth of their hurt and wants to bring the deliverance that is so desperately needed.  It will not be an easy road of recovery, but he will provide the strength, people and resources that is needed to overcome.

If you would like to read more of these thoughts in a hard copy format, my new book is now available at the link below.

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