Saturday, November 30, 2013

Deliver My Heart (2 Samuel 22:28-29)

Sometimes life is just depressing.  Like huge waves, the circumstances of life overwhelm and press upon the soul burying it in the waves of sorrow, sadness and dispair.  Is there hope for this type of depression?  In 2 Samuel 22:28-29, The Lord touches on just one aspect of this broad condition.

And the afflicted people thou wilt save: but thine eyes are upon the haughty, that thou mayest bring them down.  For thou art my lamp, O Lord: and the Lord will lighten my darkness (2 Samuel 22:28- 29).

One of the Biblical terms for depression is the word affliction.  The various words used for affliction convey the idea of being depressed, poor and crowded in.  In other words, the circumstances in life crowd a person's heart creating depression and a perceived inability to escape.  For this condition, The Lord declares that help will be found in his word.  By his word, he promises to save or as the word is defined: to be open, wide or free.  God's word promises to remove the constraints upon the heart that were caused by life's difficult circumstances.  He accomplishes this by bringing light into the darkness of the heart.  The light may bring guidance or comfort.  This light and wide open freedom in the heart comes from hope provided by his word.  Remember, hope is not something longed for that you wish would happen.  It is the expectancy in the heart that God will do what he has promised.

Elijah had hope when he said that it would not rain until he would speak it to happen.  Abram, even in his old age, hoped when he received the promise of a son through Sara.  David had hope after receiving the news of his newly born son's death.  Zacharias had hope after hearing that Elisabeth would bare him a son.  Hannah, Joseph in Egypt, the centurion and the woman with the issue of blood all had hope. And the list can go on.

As you struggle with the circumstances in life, look to God and his word.  From it, you will find the hope needed to deliver your heart from being crowded in.

For those who are chronically depressed, a network of support will be needed.  It will not be something that you can face or overcome alone.  Seek guidance from those who have been successful at aiding depressed individuals overcome.  Professional help may be needed and you will not be faithless in seeking their aid.  Faithless people either cease from striving to overcome or place their faith in sources other than God.  As these people guide you, look to God for strength as you take each step.  This is all that he expects from you.

If you would like to read more of these thoughts in a hard copy format, my new book is now available at the link below.

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