Saturday, November 2, 2013

Blessed Are They That Mourn (Matthew 5:4)

Blessed are they that mourn: for they shall be comforted.  (Matthew 5:4)

You have all heard the phrase "a blessing in disguise" and its meaning indicates that something undesirable may happen which in the end can be of great benefit.  The word blessed in this passage carries the idea of being supremely blessed.  At first glance, we may ask, "How can mourning be a blessing?"

There are two ways that mourning can be beneficial and bring about a blessing.  The first is when mourning is caused by sorrow over sin.  In this passage, the believer is exhorted about the blessing of being poor in spirit, which we previously identified as occurring when a person sees himself as inept and without rights.  When a person is poor in spirit, he sees his sinful condition from a different perspective.  No longer does he strive to justify himself, but instead mourns over the harm he has brought to himself, others and God.  The believer has remorse for his sins and grieves over his disobedience, anger, bitterness, unforgiveness, rebellion and pride.  It is during this time that God performs his work of sanctification and with it brings comfort.

The second way that mourning can be a blessing is when we experience comfort from the Holy Ghost.  In some cases, the only way to experience the great characteristics of God is to first meet a conditional criteria.  In order to experience mercy, you must be in a situation that needs mercy.  In order to experience God's healing power, you must first be sick.  Subsequently, in order to experience that amazing comfort that comes from the presence and ministry of the Holy Spirit, you must first have a heart that is mourning.  Without the mournful event, you would never experience the blessing of his comfort.

Everything in life can be a blessing.  The way to obtain the blessing is by looking to God while in the midst of life's circumstances.  The only thing that can keep you from experiencing this blessing is by you ceasing from being poor in spirit.

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