Sunday, November 3, 2013

Blessed Are The Meek (Matthew 5:5)

Blessed are the meek: for they shall inherit the earth. (Matthew 5:5)

The world's philosophy is "Go for it!"  I remember a commercial from way back telling the consumer, "Get all the gusto you can get!"  Phrases like, "You deserve the best", "Go for it", "Make your dreams happen" all have the common thread of man going for what he wants.  In the end, these people never find the happiness that they seek because the way to true happiness is not found through your own efforts.  True happiness only comes from meekness.

Meekness does not mean to be weak, but instead to be mild.  Remember the slogan used in Superman comics: mild mannered reporter, Clark Kent.  With all the power that he possessed, he yielded to the circumstances and sometimes mockery of those around him.  To be mild is to yield to the circumstances around you.  You will yield to the circumstances when you recognize their importance or by simply grasping the importance of yielding.  The believer will be meek, mild or yielding when he recognizes the sovereignty of God and that the events in his life are part of God's divine plan.  Job in meekness declared, "But he knoweth the way that I take: when he hath tried me, I shall come forth as gold." (Job 23:10) In Ruth 1:16-17, she displays this same meekness.  To gain what you need and what is best, you must be meek. By being meek, you will inherit all that is good, acceptable and perfect (Romans 12:2) and according to this passage, you will inherit the Earth.

As the clay yields to the potter's hand, so we in meekness must yield to God (Isaiah 64:8).  Being meek will not just occur in your life, but will be the result of you first being poor in spirit and then mourning over the circumstances in life that you created by sinful methods.  Only after experiencing the first two qualities of the Beatitudes will you develop meekness.  When you do, you will be supremely blessed.

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