Saturday, November 9, 2013

A Sorrowful Heart (Proverbs 14:13)

Even in laughter the heart is sorrowful; and the end of that mirth is heaviness. (Proverbs 14:13)

Trials and troubles bring sorrow or emotional pain in the heart.  Hopes of bringing cheer to those struggling with this pain are futile (Proverbs 14:10) and in the end would create a greater level of sorrow. When a sorrowful heart experiences laughter, it creates a greater longing for the joy that it is lacking.  If you have ever been on a diet and then tasted one of the "forbidden" foods, you know how much you long for them even more.  In the same manner, the heart that experiences laughter even more so longs for happiness.

The cure for a sorrowful or a heavy heart cannot be found in events such as shopping, partying, sports, movies, vacations, drugs or alcohol.  The cure is hope.  Hope brings strength to the heart and when hope is removed, the heart becomes sick (Proverbs 13:12).  If you are struggling with sorrow of heart, seek Jesus so that you may discover how he is your hope.  If you desire to help sorrowful people, convey that you are bearing their burden with them (Galatians 6:2) and share with them how Jesus has helped you through similar struggles.  Your testimony can be used by the Holy Spirit to cause people to cry out to Jesus.

Sorrows in life will come.  Although events may bring temporal relief, they cannot deliver your heart from the sorrow that it experiences.  Jesus is your true help as you face these difficult times.  Seek him and he will be found (Matthew 7:7-8).

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