Monday, November 25, 2013

Blessed Are The Merciful (Matthew 5:7)

Mercy is an action that occurs as the result of compassion.  Many believe that mercy is the act of allowing somebody the opportunity to get away with wrong doing by not bringing judgment upon them.  Simply allowing wrong to be done without any type of consequence would be an injustice.

A person exercises mercy when his judgment is mingled with compassion.  Compassion moves the individual to take an alternative measure which would bring about the same result as judgment.  God, who is rich in mercy, acted differently towards man than simply exercising his holy and righteous judgment.  Because of mercy, he sent his son in our place to receive the retribution for our sin.

God declares that when we respond with mercy towards those who have wronged us, we will be blessed.  Being merciful is not easy.  However after experiencing being poor in spirit and mourning over your own sins, seeing others through eyes of mercy is much more easily attained.  Those who exercise mercy decide to focus on what a fallen sinner needs to be victorious instead of having the tunnel vision of justice being served.  When people commit sins against others such as lying, gossiping and offensive or hurtful acts, those with mercy will focus on why the person fell into such sins and seek to respond in the best manner to restore them.  It is important to remember that this should not just be viewed as an action to put on and copy, but that responding in mercy will be the result of God's grace working in your life as manifested in the Beatitudes.

Paul best demonstrates this principle in his dealings with Onesimus.  Philemon had every right to bring justice upon Onesimus for his wrong doing, but Paul urged him to recognize what was best for Philemon and to act in mercy.

As you interact with people each day, you have the wonderful opportunity to display God's compassion through mercy shown to others.  You can obtain this work of grace as you walk, fellowship and live a yielded life to God.

If you would like to read more of these thoughts in a hard copy format, my new book is now available at the link below.

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