Saturday, November 30, 2013

Deliver My Heart (2 Samuel 22:28-29)

Sometimes life is just depressing.  Like huge waves, the circumstances of life overwhelm and press upon the soul burying it in the waves of sorrow, sadness and dispair.  Is there hope for this type of depression?  In 2 Samuel 22:28-29, The Lord touches on just one aspect of this broad condition.

And the afflicted people thou wilt save: but thine eyes are upon the haughty, that thou mayest bring them down.  For thou art my lamp, O Lord: and the Lord will lighten my darkness (2 Samuel 22:28- 29).

One of the Biblical terms for depression is the word affliction.  The various words used for affliction convey the idea of being depressed, poor and crowded in.  In other words, the circumstances in life crowd a person's heart creating depression and a perceived inability to escape.  For this condition, The Lord declares that help will be found in his word.  By his word, he promises to save or as the word is defined: to be open, wide or free.  God's word promises to remove the constraints upon the heart that were caused by life's difficult circumstances.  He accomplishes this by bringing light into the darkness of the heart.  The light may bring guidance or comfort.  This light and wide open freedom in the heart comes from hope provided by his word.  Remember, hope is not something longed for that you wish would happen.  It is the expectancy in the heart that God will do what he has promised.

Elijah had hope when he said that it would not rain until he would speak it to happen.  Abram, even in his old age, hoped when he received the promise of a son through Sara.  David had hope after receiving the news of his newly born son's death.  Zacharias had hope after hearing that Elisabeth would bare him a son.  Hannah, Joseph in Egypt, the centurion and the woman with the issue of blood all had hope. And the list can go on.

As you struggle with the circumstances in life, look to God and his word.  From it, you will find the hope needed to deliver your heart from being crowded in.

For those who are chronically depressed, a network of support will be needed.  It will not be something that you can face or overcome alone.  Seek guidance from those who have been successful at aiding depressed individuals overcome.  Professional help may be needed and you will not be faithless in seeking their aid.  Faithless people either cease from striving to overcome or place their faith in sources other than God.  As these people guide you, look to God for strength as you take each step.  This is all that he expects from you.

If you would like to read more of these thoughts in a hard copy format, my new book is now available at the link below.

Monday, November 25, 2013

Blessed Are The Merciful (Matthew 5:7)

Mercy is an action that occurs as the result of compassion.  Many believe that mercy is the act of allowing somebody the opportunity to get away with wrong doing by not bringing judgment upon them.  Simply allowing wrong to be done without any type of consequence would be an injustice.

A person exercises mercy when his judgment is mingled with compassion.  Compassion moves the individual to take an alternative measure which would bring about the same result as judgment.  God, who is rich in mercy, acted differently towards man than simply exercising his holy and righteous judgment.  Because of mercy, he sent his son in our place to receive the retribution for our sin.

God declares that when we respond with mercy towards those who have wronged us, we will be blessed.  Being merciful is not easy.  However after experiencing being poor in spirit and mourning over your own sins, seeing others through eyes of mercy is much more easily attained.  Those who exercise mercy decide to focus on what a fallen sinner needs to be victorious instead of having the tunnel vision of justice being served.  When people commit sins against others such as lying, gossiping and offensive or hurtful acts, those with mercy will focus on why the person fell into such sins and seek to respond in the best manner to restore them.  It is important to remember that this should not just be viewed as an action to put on and copy, but that responding in mercy will be the result of God's grace working in your life as manifested in the Beatitudes.

Paul best demonstrates this principle in his dealings with Onesimus.  Philemon had every right to bring justice upon Onesimus for his wrong doing, but Paul urged him to recognize what was best for Philemon and to act in mercy.

As you interact with people each day, you have the wonderful opportunity to display God's compassion through mercy shown to others.  You can obtain this work of grace as you walk, fellowship and live a yielded life to God.

If you would like to read more of these thoughts in a hard copy format, my new book is now available at the link below.

Saturday, November 23, 2013

RAPE (2 Samuel 13)

The desire in his heart moved him to target her.  With innocence and love she cared for her brother as his plan to satisfy himself unfolded.  He forced himself upon her and then cast her aside as refuse.  What were the results of this act and specifically, how did they affect Tamar?

When Amnon forced himself upon his sister, he did more than just take her virginity.  His wounds went much deeper because he first deceived her with love.  He conveyed love by desiring that he needed her to care for him.  His deception of being sick played upon her empathy and falsely convey his need for her.  This deception of love may have created wounds just as deep as the rape itself.

Amnon traumatized Tamar by his act of physical aggression.  Her cries of reasoning fell deafly upon his ears.  His heart was not concerned for love, but only lust.  Although the physical struggle may have only lasted for moments, she would continually struggle with it by reliving that moment for years to come.  Amnon also victimized Tamar with shame.  Tamar would experience shame as the community looked her, but more so would she face shame as she looked upon herself.  The one she may possibly be able to escape, but the other would be ever present.  Before rape, Tamar proudly wore the garments that the King's virgin daughters wore.  After rape, she wore shame and disgrace.  Her character, reputation and testimony were stolen from her.

Possibly the greatest of wounds occurred when she became hated by Amnon.  The term for hatred conveys the idea that the subject of hate is counted as an enemy.  In Amnon's eyes, Tamar became the enemy.  He saw it as her fault.  Her beauty, delicateness and femininity caused it all.  He probably saw himself as the victim of her beauty and was unable to control himself.

As an outcast, Tamar remained stunned and devastated as those around her did nothing.  Then after two years, Amnon was killed by Tamar's brother.  Amnon paid the price for the wrong that he did to his sister, but his payment did not removed any of the wounds created by his selfish sinful act.  Tamar wound carry those wounds with her for the rest of her life.

You or someone you love may be the victim of sexual abuse.  There is hope in the midst of this devastation.  God recorded this passage to reveal to them that he understands the depth of their hurt and wants to bring the deliverance that is so desperately needed.  It will not be an easy road of recovery, but he will provide the strength, people and resources that is needed to overcome.

If you would like to read more of these thoughts in a hard copy format, my new book is now available at the link below.

Tuesday, November 19, 2013

It's Not Just About You (2 Samuel 5:12)

David, after being annointed King over both Judah and Israel, moved upon Jerusalem.  The inhabitants resisted him and mocked his ability to overcome them.  In the end, David was victorious. God had blessed him and provided this victory, but not necessarily for David's sake.  God gave David the victory for the people's sake.  God may use you or work in your life to overcome obstacles, but when he does, you need to remember, It's not just about you.

And David perceived that the Lord had established him king over Israel, and that he had exalted his kingdom for his people Israel's sake. (2 Samuel 5:12)

You heard of the phrase, "No man is an island".  The statement declares that regardless of how much we may try to separate ourselves from others, our lives still affect other people.  When God works in your life, he also is doing a work in the lives of countless others.

An example of this could be when friends and I, at 18 years of age, were traveling home from school.  While on a back road, a tire became flat.  Before I could get out to work on the flat, a car pulled up and offered to help.  The car I was driving belonged to my sister and of course when we opened the trunk, there wasn't a spare.  Quickly, the stranger took off the wheel, threw it into his vehicle and said he would return.  I sat there and thought to myself, "What have I done?  Before I only had a flat tire.  Now I only have three wheels.  What am I going to do, if this guy doesn't return?"  After some time, he returned with the repaired tire, put it back onto the car and neatly put away all the tools.  It was then, that he handed me a gospel tract.  I never read it and I didn't need to.  I knew that I had met somebody who had something that I did not and that I needed to search out the matter.  A few years later, I came to Christ.  Since then, I surrendered to the ministry, went to Bible college, served in ministry for decades, reached countless souls for Christ, became a teacher, principal, Dean of students and vice-president of academics at a Bible college.  All of this because of a flat tire.  Today there are many serving as pastors, missionaries, teachers and secretaries because of that day.

How would things have been had I not had the flat tire. Was God concerned about me? Yes, but more so in how his work upon me would affect others.  Your situations in life are not just about you.  They are about others.  We will never know on this side of eternity exactly how God is working.  What we must do is recognize that we are but a very small aspect of his great plan.  As you travel through your day, look for the opportunities that The Lord puts before you.  Some of them may be positive experiences and others negative, but in either instance, God is working good on your behalf and also for the benefit of others.

If you would like to read more of these thoughts in a hard copy format, my new book is now available at the link below.

Saturday, November 16, 2013

Why Must I Suffer (Philippians 1:29)

Why do I have to suffer?  If I am saved and a child of God, why does not God keep me safe from ill and harm?  It just does not make sense.  Cannot God receive great glory by keeping me from these evils?  Will not God's deliverance and a better life drawn people to him?  

For unto you it is given in the behalf of Christ, not only to believe on him, but also to suffer for his sake; (Philippians 1:29)

Do these questions sound familiar?  Have you asked these questions?  If so, you are one of the countless number of believers who have experienced this struggle.  The answer is in the scriptures, but it may not be simple nor easy to receive.

From the fall of man until now, man has always sought to have life focus around him and his desires.  Wars have come about because of a clash in desires between people.  Nations have tumbled by judgment because the people sought their own way.  Religion is the work of man trying to gain the blessing of God based on merits or achievements.  Any gain obtained in these situations would be wrought by man and at best sharing glory with God.

God however has a different plan.  He has chosen the foolish and weak things of this world to confound the wise (1 Corinthians 1:27).  By choosing the foolish and weak things, God is clearly recognized as the provider of the blessing, strength or deliverance.  The lost and the saved experience the same problems in life: the former without hope and the latter by God's aid.  When we were astray and wanted nothing to do with God, he sought us.  He worked in our lives bringing us to the point of recognizing our sinful condition and need for a savior.  Because he paid our debt on the cross, redeemed us from sin, adopted us into his family, became our father and blessed us with all spiritual blessings in heavenly places (Ephesians 1:3-7), he has the right to do with our lives as he pleases.

He continues to work in the heart of unbelievers and is drawing them to himself.  When Christ is lifted up, all men will be drawn to him.  By lifting up Christ in your life, men will be drawn to Him.  His strength to you in trials and comfort in the midst of sickness, loss and trouble will lift up Christ before others.  Because he does not use our strength, he solely receives the glory that he deserves.

This is why we experience trouble.  This is why God allows us to experience sorrow, pain and suffering.  We may not like it, but when we yield to him, we gain what truly is best for our lives.

For I reckon that the sufferings of this present time are not worthy to be compared with the glory which shall be revealed in us. (Romans 8:18)

If you would like to read more of these thoughts in a hard copy format, my new book is now available at the link below.

Friday, November 15, 2013

Magnify Christ (Philippians 1:20)

When I was a boy, I received a microscope for a Christmas present.  It was one of the best presents I ever received.  With it, I was able to see and explore things beyond my recognition.  I quickly found myself rummaging through the house for items to put under the scope.  Paper, ink markings, skin, bugs, leaves or anything else that poked at my imagination.  Everything was so big and details that I could never see before were suddenly before my eyes.

So now also Christ shall be magnified in my body, whether it be by life, or by death. (Philippians 1:20)

Our lives are like microscopes.  We demonstrate the hidden things of Christ that the world cannot see and magnify them in plain sight.  This is done by the fruit of the Spirit being manifested in our lives, which exalts and magnifies Christ.  Anybody can put on the pretense of religion, but longsuffering, gentleness and goodness cannot be mimicked.

As you walk with Christ today, allow him to live through you and reveal himself to others.  The most difficult part of this is to get out of his way.  As we die to ourselves, Christ can reveal himself through us.  Remember, the salvation and growth of those around us are dependent upon it.

Thursday, November 14, 2013

Making Others Bold and Fearless (Philippians 1:14)

Can you imagine the fear that early Christians faced as they shared the gospel to the entirely heathen world and the nation of Israel that defied it?  They did not have a friend in the world, but what God did was bind their hearts together and used them to bring encouragement one to another.  Paul, by example of suffering for Christ and at the same time experiencing his wonderful grace, mercy, peace and comfort, was used by God to bring boldness to other believers and remove fear from their hearts.

And many of the brethren in the Lord, waxing confident by my bonds, are much more bold to speak the word without fear.  (Philippians 1:14)

Individually, we must ask ourselves, "What in my life has God used which caused others to face their trials with boldness and without fear?"  Was it sickness?  I remember a lady in our church who died from cancer in her 40's.  She faced it boldly and at the same time carried concern for her family.  Her trial and example of faith brought strength to me.  I think of a mother whose son has brought great shame to her and her husband, yet she steadfastly remains faithful to God.  Her testimony is a beacon of God's grace to those around her.  I know a man whose family has pretty much fallen away from God, yet he firmly stands in allegiance to Christ.  Each of these have one thing in common: the examples of their faith brought boldness to others as they face similar and diverse challenges without fear.

God wants to use each of us to be an encouragement and example to others.  As you face your trials, trust The Lord.  Young believers and old are watching.  Your trial is part of God's plan to provide strength and encouragement to them.  Before you is a great opportunity.  All you need to do is be faithful.

If you would like to read more of these thoughts in a hard copy format, my new book is now available at the link below.

Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Fruits of Righteousness (Philippians 1:11)

Being filled with the fruits of righteousness, which are by Jesus Christ, unto the glory and praise of God. (Philippians 1:11)

Have you ever felt that you cannot live the Christian life?  Do you see yourself as inadequate in being able to respond to life's problems in a spiritual manner?  If so, you are right where God wants you to be.

Many believe that living the Christian life is accomplished by making up your mind to live for Christ and then do it.  It may sound right, but it is far from the truth.  Years ago in a bible college class, I heard a young man present an assignment on sanctification.  In short, his message contained two thoughts: "I am sanctified positionally in my relationship with God.  This is God's part.  Sanctifying me practically (or lifestyle) is my part."  So he believed that his position in Christ was done by God, but his work at living more holy was done by him.  How far from the truth this is.  It is God who sanctifies me positionally and also makes me holy.  Without him, I can do nothing and will be nothing.  

This passage declares that the fruit of righteousness, which God wants to see in our lives, comes by Jesus Christ.  If you are at the point in your life where you recognize that you cannot live the Christian life, you are at a good point.  You will only come to Christ for him to perform your practical sanctification after you have recognized your inability to accomplish it.  God wants to sanctify your life and as a result receive all glory and praise.

I have a saying that I would share with people as I presented the gospel.  I would tell them, "You need to stop trying and start trusting."   They needed to stop trying to get to heaven and start trusting Jesus.  Along the same lines, we need to stop trying to be holy and allow Jesus to perform the work in us that we cannot do.  If I do it, I am only making the outside of the cup clean, but if Jesus sanctifies my life, I will be changed from the inside out.  

Ask yourself, "The fruit that people see, is it my fruit or Jesus'?"

If you would like to read more of these thoughts in a hard copy format, my new book is now available at the link below.

Monday, November 11, 2013

David Encouraged Himself (1 Samuel 29-30)

After running from Saul and taking refuge in the land of the Philistines, David again finds himself in a troubling time.  David fought the Philistine's battles with them and served his master well, but at the time when they would face the Israelites, David was forbidden and wrongfully accused.  David defended himself and tried to persuade his master to allow him to fight his enemies, but without success.

David, a man after God's own heart, was rejected and wrongfully accused.  Why was God allowing it to happen?  Why did bad things happening to such a good man?  Have you ever found yourself in a similar situation?  Have you ever done right in the work place only to be attacked?  Have you ever withstood evil only to suffer loss as a consequence?  When facing situations like this, we, like David, must recognize that a God is still in control.

Although things looked grim, God's was using the wrongful accusation against David.  Had it not been for his inability to fight for the Philistines, David would not have returned to Ziklag soon enough to lead the rescue for the women and children (1 Samuel 30:1-2).  While in the midst of adverse circumstances, David encouraged or strengthened himself in The Lord (1 Samuel 30:6).  In other words, as the battle raged in his heart, David held strong for The Lord.  Victory in that battle led him to seek The Lord for counsel even though it appeared that The Lord had forsaken him (1 Samuel 30:8).  Because of this, David prevailed, the women and children were rescued and The Lord was magnified.

As you face your most difficult trials, remember that God is sovereign and Lord over all, battle to keep your heart believing in God and continue to seek his face regardless of how things may appear.  When you do, God will provide the guidance and deliverance needed.

If you would like to read more of these thoughts in a hard copy format, my new book is now available at the link below.

Sunday, November 10, 2013

Hunger and Thirst for Righteousness (Matthew 5:6)

Blessed are they which do hunger and thirst after righteousness: for they shall be filled. (Psalm 5:6)

Hungering and thirsting after righteousness is not something that just happens.  It first results from being broken and recognizing that you are unable to live up to the expectations of God and then looking to God for strength and ability (Matthew 5:3).  As God enables you and begins to perform his work of grace,  you, in an even greater way, recognize the wrong that you have done with your life and you mourn over the deeds and not just the consequences (Matthew 5:4).  Because of this, you become meek and yielded to God.  No longer do you desire to run your life: you recognize that by yielding to God, you gain blessing in your life (Matthew 5:5).

You begin to ask yourself, "What else does God have to offer?  What other errors does your life contain that need to be corrected?"  A stirring begins to happen in your life which brings about a longing for what is right.  At this point, you are hungering and thirsting after righteousness.  As a starving person desires that which is necessary for life: food and water, you too will hunger and thirst for the necessities of life or in other words the things of God.  

The necessities of life are found through fellowshipping with God.  You fellowship with God as you pray and pour your heart out to him.  He fellowships with you through his word and through preaching.  Fellowship also occurs as you labor together with God in meeting the needs of others.  The more fellowship you gain: the more you want.  Fellowshipping with God is satisfying and fills the heart of those hungering for righteousness. 

Saturday, November 9, 2013

A Sorrowful Heart (Proverbs 14:13)

Even in laughter the heart is sorrowful; and the end of that mirth is heaviness. (Proverbs 14:13)

Trials and troubles bring sorrow or emotional pain in the heart.  Hopes of bringing cheer to those struggling with this pain are futile (Proverbs 14:10) and in the end would create a greater level of sorrow. When a sorrowful heart experiences laughter, it creates a greater longing for the joy that it is lacking.  If you have ever been on a diet and then tasted one of the "forbidden" foods, you know how much you long for them even more.  In the same manner, the heart that experiences laughter even more so longs for happiness.

The cure for a sorrowful or a heavy heart cannot be found in events such as shopping, partying, sports, movies, vacations, drugs or alcohol.  The cure is hope.  Hope brings strength to the heart and when hope is removed, the heart becomes sick (Proverbs 13:12).  If you are struggling with sorrow of heart, seek Jesus so that you may discover how he is your hope.  If you desire to help sorrowful people, convey that you are bearing their burden with them (Galatians 6:2) and share with them how Jesus has helped you through similar struggles.  Your testimony can be used by the Holy Spirit to cause people to cry out to Jesus.

Sorrows in life will come.  Although events may bring temporal relief, they cannot deliver your heart from the sorrow that it experiences.  Jesus is your true help as you face these difficult times.  Seek him and he will be found (Matthew 7:7-8).

Sunday, November 3, 2013

Blessed Are The Meek (Matthew 5:5)

Blessed are the meek: for they shall inherit the earth. (Matthew 5:5)

The world's philosophy is "Go for it!"  I remember a commercial from way back telling the consumer, "Get all the gusto you can get!"  Phrases like, "You deserve the best", "Go for it", "Make your dreams happen" all have the common thread of man going for what he wants.  In the end, these people never find the happiness that they seek because the way to true happiness is not found through your own efforts.  True happiness only comes from meekness.

Meekness does not mean to be weak, but instead to be mild.  Remember the slogan used in Superman comics: mild mannered reporter, Clark Kent.  With all the power that he possessed, he yielded to the circumstances and sometimes mockery of those around him.  To be mild is to yield to the circumstances around you.  You will yield to the circumstances when you recognize their importance or by simply grasping the importance of yielding.  The believer will be meek, mild or yielding when he recognizes the sovereignty of God and that the events in his life are part of God's divine plan.  Job in meekness declared, "But he knoweth the way that I take: when he hath tried me, I shall come forth as gold." (Job 23:10) In Ruth 1:16-17, she displays this same meekness.  To gain what you need and what is best, you must be meek. By being meek, you will inherit all that is good, acceptable and perfect (Romans 12:2) and according to this passage, you will inherit the Earth.

As the clay yields to the potter's hand, so we in meekness must yield to God (Isaiah 64:8).  Being meek will not just occur in your life, but will be the result of you first being poor in spirit and then mourning over the circumstances in life that you created by sinful methods.  Only after experiencing the first two qualities of the Beatitudes will you develop meekness.  When you do, you will be supremely blessed.

Saturday, November 2, 2013

Blessed Are They That Mourn (Matthew 5:4)

Blessed are they that mourn: for they shall be comforted.  (Matthew 5:4)

You have all heard the phrase "a blessing in disguise" and its meaning indicates that something undesirable may happen which in the end can be of great benefit.  The word blessed in this passage carries the idea of being supremely blessed.  At first glance, we may ask, "How can mourning be a blessing?"

There are two ways that mourning can be beneficial and bring about a blessing.  The first is when mourning is caused by sorrow over sin.  In this passage, the believer is exhorted about the blessing of being poor in spirit, which we previously identified as occurring when a person sees himself as inept and without rights.  When a person is poor in spirit, he sees his sinful condition from a different perspective.  No longer does he strive to justify himself, but instead mourns over the harm he has brought to himself, others and God.  The believer has remorse for his sins and grieves over his disobedience, anger, bitterness, unforgiveness, rebellion and pride.  It is during this time that God performs his work of sanctification and with it brings comfort.

The second way that mourning can be a blessing is when we experience comfort from the Holy Ghost.  In some cases, the only way to experience the great characteristics of God is to first meet a conditional criteria.  In order to experience mercy, you must be in a situation that needs mercy.  In order to experience God's healing power, you must first be sick.  Subsequently, in order to experience that amazing comfort that comes from the presence and ministry of the Holy Spirit, you must first have a heart that is mourning.  Without the mournful event, you would never experience the blessing of his comfort.

Everything in life can be a blessing.  The way to obtain the blessing is by looking to God while in the midst of life's circumstances.  The only thing that can keep you from experiencing this blessing is by you ceasing from being poor in spirit.

Friday, November 1, 2013

Good Words (Proverbs 12:25)

Heaviness in the heart of man maketh it stoop: but a good word maketh it glad. (Proverbs 12:25)

Did you know that everybody is having a hard time.  Every person in the world is dealing with some type of problem in their lives.  It may be sickness, financial, domestic, work related, oppression, passed experiences, sorrow, worry, failure and the list can go on.  Their problem may be directly related to them in that the situation is in their life or it may result from them dealing with the situation in a loved one's life.  In either case, we all are dealing with issues and according to this passage, it makes our heart stoop or we experience depression.  If we all are dealing with issues, how can we expect to help anybody?  The way we help is with our words.

This proverbs lets us know that our words can make a stooping or depressed heart brighten up or become glad.  We do not need to offer solutions to people's problems, we just need to give them the words that they need.  Galatians 6:1 tells us to bear one another's burdens.  If we speak words to struggling people that convey that they are not alone and that in your heart you are carrying the burden with them, it will bring the support and encouragement that they need and as Homer Alvan Rodeheaver wrote, it will brighten up the corner where they are.

The words that you speak are very powerful.  Saying the right words can build and encourage people while saying the wrong thing or at times saying nothing can be destructive.  Death and life are in the power of the tongue: and they that love it shall eat the fruit thereof (Proverbs 18:21).