Friday, July 19, 2013

Faith And Love (Ephesians 1:15)

Two ingredients: chocolate and peanut butter.  Does it get any better than that?  Not at my house.  We think the combination is the best.  However, there is one combination that out does any other combination and that is faith and love.

There is not a need for you to be put under a microscope to examine if you meet the expectation of The Lord.  All people need to find are two main ingredients: faith in God and love for the brethren.  According to Galatians 5:6, our faith works by love.  The word for works comes from the Greek word energeo.  From it, we get the modern word energize.  In short, our faith is energized by our love.  So faith is the manifestation of our love toward God.  He wants our love and each time we exercise our faith, we are demonstrating our love for him. 

The second ingredient for the Christian is love for the brethren.  This is a repeat of the second great commandment: to love your neighbor as yourself.  When we demonstrate love for the brethren, the world will know that we are disciples of Jesus (John 13:35).  Love is not a feeling but a conscious decision and desire to meet the need of somebody.  We are admonished to love our enemies.  In order to do that you definitely will not have the emotion labeled love, but you will act in a manner to meet their need.  This love needs to been seen by the world and the church. 

As you live for The Lord, keep you faith focused upward and reach out in love to the brethren.  By doing so, you will have the two main ingredients essential for pleasing The Lord and fulfilling his will.

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