Friday, July 5, 2013

Adopted Into God's Family (Ephesians 1:5)

Having predestinated us unto the adoption of children by Jesus Christ to himself, according to the good pleasure of his will, (Ephesians 1:5)

As a kid, I had lots of plans.  There were plans to build underground forts, for starting our own neighborhood baseball team, of inventions, for musical grandeur and the list can go on.  Some of the plans were a success and others were not so successful. In fact some were catastrophic.  Nevertheless, I was always planning.

In the heart of God and before the beginning of time, God had a plan. It has been the same plan throughout the ages and has not changed in any way.  One phase of his plan was to adopt you and me into his family.  Today, adoptions occur through the use of an agency.  They are the intercessory between the unwanted child and those longing to have a child to love.  For you and me, Jesus was the agency.  He provided all the necessary arrangements to make the adoption a success.  He came to seek and find the unwanted children of the world who had been tossed aside by sin and Satan.  All legal requirements were met through his work on the cross and by his spirit, he called us before the judge of the universe to complete the arrangement.  When we called out to Christ by faith a judicial act by Almighty God declared us into God's family.

Adoption is a big thing and like some of my plans had gone, not without its own problems.  Besides the price being paid for the adoption to occur, the greatest problem has been two natures.  There is the nature of God the adopting family and the nature of the adopted.  Even though I have been in God's family for over 30 years, I still have the nature and tendency of my natural family.  Because I love him, I want to act like his family.  Therefore, I strive to yield myself as an instrument of righteous to God so that I may represent him and his family well (Romans 6:13).  My walk today has one purpose: to live like a son of God.  

No longer do I need to fear looking into the angry face of a holy God.  Instead, I get to gaze into the loving face of that same holy God.  Wow!  What a relationship!

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