Thursday, July 4, 2013

Being In Love (Ephesians 1:4)

Remember the first time that you fell in love?  Most likely you were in your teen years.  Being in love was an experience of being overcome by thoughts and feelings over a certain person.  Being away from them or without them was something unimaginable and unbearable.  Some of us even became love sick when that first romance was broken.  

"In love" what a term that is.  God uses that term as he explains to us our relationship with him.  When he chose us before the foundation of the world, he saw us in three states: holy, without blame and in love.  Our position is not a servant's position, but instead a position of love.  Because we are holy--a sanctified position of purpose--and without blame, unblemished or faultless, there is nothing that can remove us from our "in love" position with God.  It is for this reason that Paul writes that nothing can separate us from the love of God, which is in Christ Jesus (Romans 8:38-39).

I wonder how much God's heart aches when we drift away from him and begin to live our lives without thought of him?  How much hurt does he have when we allow ourselves to be drawn away by the world?  Does he hurt?  Oh yes, he does.  With tears, Jesus cried for Jerusalem and for the relationship with them that he so longed to have (Matthew 23:37).  Because of love, he hurt for them and he hurts for us.

Do you recognize this position that you already have with God or are you still striving to attain?  Rest assured, God is in love with you.

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