Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Gaining Understanding (Proverbs 2:9)

I don't understand why God has allowed this to happen.  It does not make any sense.  It's useless.  Have you heard these terms before?  Have you said these or similar words?  One of my favorite songs that we sang in the nursing home ministry back in the early 80's was Someday, He'll Make It Plain To Me.  There are some situations in life that we will not be able to understand until we get to the other side in glory, but there are many times that we will be able to make sense of events that do not seem to make sense.  How we can gain this ability is found in Proverbs chapter two.

Then shalt thou understand righteousness, and judgment, and equity; yea, every good path. 
(Proverbs 2:9)

There is a blessing to be received for memorizing scripture, but as with all spiritual blessings it is dependent on the condition of the heart and not the action performed.  When I was the principal of a Christian school, we had children memorize a portion of scripture each month.  It was a mandatory obligation for which many waited until the end of the month to achieve.  For those who did the task out of obligation, I believe that they received little or no benefit from the task because Proverbs 2:1-2 indicates that those receiving and hiding the word of God as a treasure are doing so in the hope of gaining wisdom, knowledge and understanding.  Scripture memory out for obligation purposes falls short of this.

God later promises to those, whose hearts are crying out or seeking him as a hid treasure, that they will gain and find what they seek and also gain protection from God.  It is after this that God shares that the result of receiving God's word as a treasure will bring an understanding of every good path.  From this we can be confident that if there is a way to know and understand God's ways, it is through hiding God's word in the heart of a person truly seeking him.

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