Wednesday, September 11, 2013

God's Support (Psalm 145:14)

The Lord upholdeth all that fall, and raiseth up all those that be bowed down. Psalm 145:14

Every year I look forward to growing tomatoes in my garden.  My plants usually grow more than seven feet tall and yield large softball sized fruit.  Because of this, I would drive poles into the ground and tie the plants to the poles.  As the plants grew and bore their heavy fruit, the poles would prop up the plants.  Did you know that The Lord does the same for us?  

When he upholds us, it can also be said that he is propping us up.  When we fall, he brings the support into our lives to keep us standing and from falling again.  Falling down does not necessarily mean falling to sin, but it can also mean being fallen, cast down or bowed down from the burdens of life.  From this verse we can be assured of the promise that when our hearts are fallen from the burdens of life, The Lord will be there to raise us up and provide the support needed for us to stand.

If you are fallen, don't plan on remaining there because The Lord is behind you and ready to pick you up.  

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