Thursday, November 19, 2015

Ceasing From Fear (Psalm 46:2)

We do not cease from fear as we would from food or drink.  We do not control fear as we would our actions.  We cease from fear when we recognize our safety in the Lord our refuge.
Therefore will not we fear, though the earth be removed, and though the mountains be carried into the midst of the sea; (Psalms 46:2)
Think about it for a moment.  You do not fear the weather's storms as they pound upon the earth, because you are safe within the shelter of your home.  You do not fear the gravest of beasts as you walk the corridors of the zoo, because you are safe on your side of the bars.  You don't will to cease from fear, you simply rest in safety.
The storms of life are great and many shall we face in this life, but we can live free from fear.  Seek his refuge and he will shelter you with his presence.  The storms may rage outside, but within will exist a calm peace.  Rest in God! 

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