Sunday, November 8, 2015

Brighten the Corner (Psalm 34:2)

Did you ever want to do something great with your life?  Have you ever desired to make such an influence upon people that the effect would be estounding?  Did you know that each of us can?  In fact, it is part of God's design and plan for your life.

God has equipped you in at least two areas of your life for this purpose.  One enabling comes from the Holy Spirit giving you at least one gift for purpose of minister to others.  Another equipping are the words that you choose to speak.  Death and life are in the power of your tongue. (Prov. 18:21). It is important to understand that the words that you say can either make or break someone.  Consider the following passage.

My soul shall make her boast in the Lord: the humble shall hear thereof, and be glad. (Psalms 34:2)

There are key words in this passage that are important to identify and understand in order for the principle to be understood.  The word humble carries with it the idea of being depressed and glad is another term for meaning to brighten up.  In this passage, we can see that when I praise the Lord, those in depression will hear and brighten up or become glad.

As you live your life, The Lord wants you outwardly to praise him and as You do, he will use your words to encourage those who are struggling in their lives.  You may never know who these people are and may also never see the outcome of your words, but he has assured you that he will use them.

Instead of complaining about circumstances in life, why not look to the Lord for your help and then praise him for his wonderful works.  By doing that, his work continues through you to reach others.

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