Sunday, November 29, 2015

Truth Inside (Psalm 51:6)

Have you ever faced a decision that you needed to make and you found yourself undecided?  Of course you have.  As you begin to figure out a solution to your problem, you convey it by saying, " I am leaning towards ..."

When it comes to pleasing God, he wants our hearts to lean towards truth.  The only way our hearts can do this is for truth to be present in our hearts.  Consider Psalm 119:11, where the psalmist states that he hides truth in his heart and the believer is encouraged to meditate upon truth as stated in Psalm 1.

Without truth in your heart, it will become more difficult for your heart to lean towards it.  It seems that when we sin, the effect of truth in our hearts is either erased or at least its effect is diminished.

It is like the old game, King of the Mountain where each person playing attempts to pull the one person down from on top of the mountain and once this is achieved, they take his place and the game continues.

Truth in the heart sits supreme, but our sin pulls it down and then has its time of power.  Only by cleansing away sin can truth again influence the heart.  That is why the psalmist asks the Lord purge and clean him (Psalm 51:7).

In order to live as God desires, get truth into your heart and when you fall, seek him to cleanse away your sin.  This is a daily process and should never be neglected or ignored.  With truth in your heart, your ability to lean toward and respond to truth will become more consistent and successful.

Wednesday, November 25, 2015

Stooping Down (Psalm 51:1)

God's mercy: we talk about it, read about and even sing about it.  But what is it?  I know that you may have coined phrases and shoot from the hip definitions for this term, but have you ever personally tried to define it?

In Psalm 51, David cries out to the Lord for mercy.  The definition of the Hebrew word for mercy means " to bend or stoop in kindness to an inferior".  Think about it.  Whenever God shows mercy towards us, he, in the splendor of his high exalted state, stoops down to you and me.

Why would such an exalted being be willing to perform such a humbling task?  He does this because of his loving kindness.  As a loving expectant mother feels love in the womb for her child, our Heavenly Father experiences the same towards us.  This form of love is described as tender mercy and it is this tender mercy that moves him to stoop down.

Have mercy upon me, O God, according to thy lovingkindness: according unto the multitude of thy tender mercies blot out my transgressions. (Psalms 51:1)

When you pray, God stoops down to answer and meet your needs,  When you need help, he stoops down to give you strength and when you fall, he even stoops down to pick you up.  He stooped down to become man and stooped down even further to become our sin bearer. If you think about it, possibly the greatest manifestation of God's love is his stooping down.

Thanks be to God for his mercy.

Monday, November 23, 2015

What Are You Offering? (Psalm 50:14-15)

Have you discovered the most important things in life?  Years ago, I thought it was possessions and experiences.  Boy was I ever wrong.  You have heard the phrase, you never know how much you need something until you don't have it.  Well it is true.  If you have buried a loved one, you experienced it.  They are gone and your heart longs to see them again.  Through that and other experiences in life, we can learn that the most important things in life are people and our interactive relationship with them.

Because we are created in the image of God, we are very similar to him.  He likewise desires a relationship with us.  He doesn't need our money or any offerings that we choose to give him.  He already owns everything.  So there is nothing more on this earth that he could need.  Understandably, he may need "no thing", but he does need someone and that someone is you.

God wants to have a relationship with his creations and in that relationship, he wants us to give him something.  He wants what is in our hearts.

Offer unto God thanksgiving; and pay thy vows unto the most High: And call upon me in the day of trouble: I will deliver thee, and thou shalt glorify me. (Psalms 50:14-15)

He seeks for individuals who are thankful, yielded, who look to him in times of trouble and will glorify his name.

Israel fell into the cold ritualistic mannerisms of their religion and if we are not careful, we can do the same.  So, as you assess your relationship with God, don't count the "good" actions that you offer up to him, but instead focus on the motives behind them.  Do they reflect being thankful, yielded, seeking and glorifying?

Thursday, November 19, 2015

Ceasing From Fear (Psalm 46:2)

We do not cease from fear as we would from food or drink.  We do not control fear as we would our actions.  We cease from fear when we recognize our safety in the Lord our refuge.
Therefore will not we fear, though the earth be removed, and though the mountains be carried into the midst of the sea; (Psalms 46:2)
Think about it for a moment.  You do not fear the weather's storms as they pound upon the earth, because you are safe within the shelter of your home.  You do not fear the gravest of beasts as you walk the corridors of the zoo, because you are safe on your side of the bars.  You don't will to cease from fear, you simply rest in safety.
The storms of life are great and many shall we face in this life, but we can live free from fear.  Seek his refuge and he will shelter you with his presence.  The storms may rage outside, but within will exist a calm peace.  Rest in God! 

Monday, November 16, 2015

Thankful Response (Psalm 40:8)

God has done wonderful works for us that are beyond number.  As humans, we cannot remember all that he has done and understandably, there have been many occasions when God was working in our lives and we did not recognize him or his handy work.  Because God has done these many works for us, what does he expect from us?

Sacrifice and offering thou didst not desire; mine ears hast thou opened: burnt offering and sin offering hast thou not required. (Psalms 40:6)

According to this passage, it isn't sacrifice and offering.  Wait!  Why not?  Didn't God institute both of them?  Didn't he inspire an entire book of the bible on the various types of offerings and how to prepare and offer them?  If so, then why isn't that what he wants?

Sacrifice and offerings may be what we need, but they aren't what God wants.  Sacrifice and offerings are external actions that can be performed by anyone, but God is more concerned about what is on the inside.  Just as he chose a king for Israel based on what was within man, God is also concerned about what is within us.

I delight to do thy will, O my God: yea, thy law is within my heart. (Psalms 40:8)

God wants a heart condition.  He wants us to be willing to do his will and to carry his law in our hearts.  If we focus on the outside, we become no different than the Pharisees.  As Jesus said, we do nothing more than clean the outside of the cup.  If we focus on the inside, the heart becomes yielded and sensitive to God.  Once the inside is right, the outside will take care of itself.

Search me, O God, and know my heart: try me, and know my thoughts: And see if there be any wicked way in me, and lead me in the way everlasting. (Psalms 139:23-24)

Friday, November 13, 2015

Wonderful Works (Psalm 40:5)

God works many wonders in our lives.  However many of the blessings we seem to forget and merely focus on current circumstances.  I decided to list 100 of God's workings in my life.  I know that I probably have missed more blessings than I have counted.  I encourage you to do the same and then share them.

Many, O Lord my God, are thy wonderful works which thou hast done, and thy thoughts which are to us-ward: they cannot be reckoned up in order unto thee: if I would declare and speak of them, they are more than can be numbered. (Psalms 40:5)

Many of these are very personal.  I ask that you be quick to read and slow to judge.  God bless.

1. He saved me and all the work that brought it to pass.
2. He removed me from ungodly influences.
3. Gave me my son as a direct answer to prayer.
4. After salvation, he led me away from paganism and settled my feet into Christianity.
5. He gave me my first house.
6. He gave me work in the midst of the extreme recession in the early 80's.
7. He delivered me from a being killed in a steel mill accident involving a locomotive.
8. He relieved the financial burden as the recession increased and everything in my life began to crumble.
9. He provided housing in a very desperate time.
10. He comforted my wounded heart.
11. He empowered me to minister to hurting people.
12. He blessed my ministry involvement.
13. I grew in grace.
14. He brought friends into my life to support and help me.
15. He led me to advance my education.
16. He provided transportation.
17. He provided a car.
18. He answered prayers for food and finances.
19. Unemployment was extended.
20. He blessed with me getting called back to work after 20 months of being laid off.
21. He enabled me to by my truck.
22. He guided me through some legal turmoil and enabled me to escape the attack.
23. I moved to my new apartment in Spring City.
24. God blessed my work, ministry service and life.
25. Anthony memorized Psalm 23 before he turned 4 years old.
26. God continued to comfort my wounded heart.
27. He strengthened me to stand strong and live for God.
28. He helped me pass my Greek classes.
29. Helped me through a terrible sickness.
30. Found a better place to live.
31. He caused a person to fall into the pit that they prepared for me
32. Was able to leave the steel mill and be off work on Sundays.
33. Found a new job.
34. Learned maintenance skills that I would later use in God's work.
35. Received a great promise from God.
36. Graduated from college.
37. Received another great promise from God that would come true seven years later.
38. Married Beth.
39. Signed a lease for an apartment two days before the wedding. (That was close)
40. Lost my job.
41. Found a deer that had recently been hit.
42. Able to sell my truck to pay the rent.
43. Picked up extra electrical side work.
44. Exhaust on car fixed for free.
45. Transmission went, got many rides to work while hitch hiking and had to walk much less.
46. Somebody gave us a station wagon.
47. Found a place to live closer to church
48. Refrigerator broke and someone bought another one.
49. Did not get to adopt my niece and then Beth found out she was expecting just several weeks later.
50. Marybeth Princess was born.
51. Strength as we faced uncertainty with Marybeth’s heart condition.  God gave strength.
52. Somebody gave us a car after the engine seized in the wagon.
53. Anthony enrolled in Christian school
54. Moved to Font.
55. Great ministry days with hundreds of kids attending church
56. Marybeth’s open heart surgery was successful.
57. Injured ankle and out of work for months.  Secured a new job.
58. Promoted at work
59. Went full time into the ministry
60. Able to get away with the wife for a three day vacation
61. Honey bucket of blessings dumped over on us at Christmas
62. Became principal of Landmark Christian school
63. School enrollment increased the next year
64. Bought a house with $1down and 120% financing.  Yep, $1 down and extra cash for renovations.
65. New roof, bathroom, carpet and tons of paint along with residency inspection in 30 days.
66. School enrollment increased by 150% from my first year.
67. Able to buy my first computer
68. Bought a car instead of having one given to us.
69. School increased by another 40%.
70. Moved the school to a larger location and added a library.
71. School maxed out at 257% larger than the first year I became principal.
72. Many learning disabled children helped at LCS.
73. Able to visit the Dominican Republic
74. Able to visit the DR again.
75. Senior class trip to the DR.
76. Able to return to Northeast.
77. Mentored by Dr. Bish…what a guy.
78. Permitted to create the special education curriculum for Northeast
79. Invited to speak on special education issues at Ocean City, MD for the Delmarva Christian school association
80. Big personal setback, but the Lord gave much grace
81. God’s hand of blessing on me
82. Everything began to crumble around me, but God continued to bless my life.
83. Strength to work two full-time jobs
84. Expose to the mental health industry
85. Relief from financial setbacks and back to one job
86. Wisdom, patience and guidance were given
87. Able to go back to school again
88. Leadership to leave Northeast
89. Comfort through disappointment
90. Three meetings on the calendar. No job or money.  God filled up the calendar and met our needs.
91. God blessed to help countless people through speaking engagements as I traveled around the country
92. My wife and daughter were not killed in the auto accident
93. Grace through the painful months
94. Medical insurance obtained
95. Secured work at Devereux
96. Promoted to Treatment Manager (thank you for the financial trouble which exposed me to the mental health industry)
97. Promoted to Learning Specialist
98. Promoted to Learning Manager
99. Promoted to Operations Manager
100. I have great health

Monday, November 9, 2015

It Is Difficult to Wait (Psalm 33:20)

Waiting is probably one of the  most difficult task for us to do.  We are most vulnerable at these times and have no control over the situation.  Because of this, we hate being in that position.

Recently, my son became pastor of a wonderful church.  To celebrate the event, I was able to get a last minute flight out of Philadelphia so that I could be there for that very special day.  My flight was at 5:30 AM.  Everything went smoothly until things began to unravel at the Detroit airport.  My flight was first delayed by 30 minutes.  Then moments later it was pushed back to 45 minutes.  Before I could process the whole thing and calculate my new arrival time, it was delayed again.  What a mess.  I struggled inside until I finally recognized that there was nothing I could do to solve my problem.

Did you ever think about the fact that we begin waiting on the Lord immediately after we stop trying to be a part of the solution to our problem.  Once I reached that point, the anxiety went away along with the disappointment of missing the morning service.  It seemed as if I began to "enjoy the ride" and whatever it had to offer.  God was in the midst of my problem and in complete control.  Why he wanted me to miss part of the event, I'll never know, but what I do know is that he was there working on my behalf.

Had I not yielded control to God and rested in him, I would have continued to stress.  The stress would have manifested itself with aggressive words or actions and then the Holy Spirit would have convicted me about them.  Disappointment would have gone through the roof and resulted in griping and complaining.  Instead of having a blessed day, it would have been one of the most miserable.

The difference between the two days would have been one thing: waiting on the Lord.

Our soul waiteth for the Lord: he is our help and our shield. (Psalms 33:20)

Sunday, November 8, 2015

Brighten the Corner (Psalm 34:2)

Did you ever want to do something great with your life?  Have you ever desired to make such an influence upon people that the effect would be estounding?  Did you know that each of us can?  In fact, it is part of God's design and plan for your life.

God has equipped you in at least two areas of your life for this purpose.  One enabling comes from the Holy Spirit giving you at least one gift for purpose of minister to others.  Another equipping are the words that you choose to speak.  Death and life are in the power of your tongue. (Prov. 18:21). It is important to understand that the words that you say can either make or break someone.  Consider the following passage.

My soul shall make her boast in the Lord: the humble shall hear thereof, and be glad. (Psalms 34:2)

There are key words in this passage that are important to identify and understand in order for the principle to be understood.  The word humble carries with it the idea of being depressed and glad is another term for meaning to brighten up.  In this passage, we can see that when I praise the Lord, those in depression will hear and brighten up or become glad.

As you live your life, The Lord wants you outwardly to praise him and as You do, he will use your words to encourage those who are struggling in their lives.  You may never know who these people are and may also never see the outcome of your words, but he has assured you that he will use them.

Instead of complaining about circumstances in life, why not look to the Lord for your help and then praise him for his wonderful works.  By doing that, his work continues through you to reach others.

Tuesday, November 3, 2015

Holy Enough? (Psalm 33:18)

How good is good enough?  We know for certain that sin can rob believers of blessings from the Lord.  Therefore, in an effort to keep God from removing his hand of blessing, we strive to live a holy separated life.

At one point in my life, I thought that I lived a holy life, but as I grew in wisdom, I realized that my desperately wicked heart had been deceiving me.  To myself I may have appeared to live righteously, but I was wrong.

Around10 years ago, my son called to speak with me as he often had done.  During our conversation he stated that he came to recognized that although he was saved, he was a "wicked" person.  I chuckled and said, "Yeah, I know.  I raised you."  He then went on to explain that for years he had focused on outward behaviors and because they were in line with righteousness, he believed that he was living righteously.  He continued to explain that as of lately, he recognized much more evil sins such as pride, stubbornness, unforgiveness, and self righteousness.  He too had been deceived.

It seems that for so many people as they strive to become more holy, they may in fact become the opposite.  If you separate yourself enough from sin to where you believe you are then living holy enough to be blessed by the Lord, you immediately become more sinful.  We never have and never will live holy enough to be blessed.

Behold, the eye of the Lord is upon them that fear him, upon them that hope in his mercy; (Psalms 33:18)

What God expects is for us to fear him and to believe that his blessings only come as a result of his mercy.  This is something that each if us can do each day.  There is no level of holiness to achieve, but instead a condition of the heart and this condition reflects the principles of the first or great commandment.

Sunday, November 1, 2015

Praise is Comely (Psalm 33:1)

Do remember the days back when you were dating and the whole process that you went through to get ready for the date?  I remember making sure that my favorite shirt and pants were in perfect order.  Then, I would shave twice just to make sure my face was free from nubs and baby soft.  I spent unlimited hours getting every hair in place and making sure that it stayed there.  Why did I do this?  I wanted to look appealing to the beholder or to stretch the term, I wanted to be "beautiful".

We should do the same with God, but remember, God is not focusing on the outside of the vessel, but the inside.  Make the inside right and the outside will follow, but if we focus on the outside instead of the in, we are merely pharisaical at best.

How do we make the inside beautiful?  Our inside is beautiful when we genuinely praise God.

Rejoice in the Lord, O ye righteous: for praise is comely for the upright. (Psalms 33:1)

When we praise God, he experiences pleasure in the same manner as we do when gazing upon the beauty of our children or are enthralled with a spectacular sunset.

Do you want to be beautiful?  Focus on the goodness of God and then lift your heart in praise to him.  You will be stellar.