Saturday, February 8, 2014

The Solitary Place (Mark 1:35)

Throughout his ministry, Jesus would pull away from the crowd and spend time speaking with his Father.  As we have heard countless times, we should and must do the same, but is that all we can learn from the passage?

And in the morning, rising up a great while before day, he went out, and departed into a solitary place, and there prayed. (Mark 1:35)

One main lesson is that if you want to effectively speak with God, you need to be without distractions.  With family, TV, and electronic devices informing you of texts and emails, it is easier said than done.  If you wants to spend time without being distracted, you will find it when you pull away to a solitary place.

Another lesson to learn is that when circumstances in life leave you feeling alone and isolated, it's time to pray.  Not only should you should go to a solitary place to pray, but when life puts you in a "solitary place" it is the signal that prayer is needed.

Another lesson that I learned from this passage is that my life is a solitary place.  As I walk through life and interact with all who are around me, I am still alone.  I am alone with God.  It is he and I walking together.  Nobody is able to get into that relationship.  It is my relationship.  I smile with him and there are times that I cry with him.  As much as I desire, I cannot share with others what I experience with him.  Through testimony, I can share what he has done, but my experiences are just that.  They are mine.  My life with God is a solitary experience that I greatly enjoy and look forward to daily.  What continues to amaze me is that God looks forward to that experience with greater delight than I can ever imagine.

If you would like to read more of these thoughts in a hard copy format, my new book is now available at the link below.

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