Saturday, February 22, 2014

Peace In The Storms (Mark 4:37, 39)

The waves were rolling high and every effort to prepared for them was useless.  They pounded upon the sides of the vessel, flooded over into the boat and lowered it deeper into the grips of the sea.  Frantically the disciples tried to bail out the water, but their efforts were met with the dismal blows of the storm.  Unless help would arise, the ship would go down and all would be lost. 

And there arose a great storm of wind, and the waves beat into the ship, so that it was now full...
And he arose, and rebuked the wind, and said unto the sea, Peace, be still. And the wind ceased, and there was a great calm.  (Mark 4:37, 39)

Some 30 odd years ago, my life was in a similar state.  As life pounded upon my empty heart, the swirling sea began swallowing it into despair.  All my efforts towards happiness, were useless.  Pales of success, possessions, and ways of escape were unable to remove the water from my vessel.  Unless help would arise, I would have gone down and been lost.

And then, I finally heard Jesus calling me.  He had been working all the while, but I didn't recognize him.  My sinful heart and religious efforts drowned out the soft tender voice of his calling.  It was only when I fell broken and hopeless that I heard him.  I responded to his call and immediately he was at my side.  He lifted me from the storm and placed me upon a solid rock in the midst of the waves.  No longer could they flood my upon heart.  As they dashed upon the rock upon which I was placed, I experienced no fear.  The storm clouds parted and rays of God's shining love brought warmth to my heart.  The storms of life were still all around me, but as peace and calm are in the eye of the storm, I enjoyed a similar peace and calm in the eye of his care.  For over 30 years , he still brings peace in the midst of my storms.

If you would like to read more of these thoughts in a hard copy format, my new book is now available at the link below.

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