Monday, February 3, 2014

I Am Well Pleased (Mark 1:11)

When Jesus was baptized, John saw the heavens open and heard the voice of God the Father speak to the Son.  Although what he saw and heard was for a testimony to him, it also was intended to communicate to Jesus, who at this time was God-Man, that his father was pleased with him.

And there came a voice from heaven, saying, Thou art my beloved Son, in whom I am well pleased. (Mark 1:11)

As a loving father, God communicates his pleasure and acceptance to his children.  Have you heard his voice upon your heart declare that you are pleasing to him?  Have you ever heard those words?  Some may argue that God has never spoken these words to them because they are sinners saved by grace and still struggle with sin.  How can God be pleased with us when we struggle and even fall daily?

Did not God say that David was a man after his own heart?  However, David was far removed from perfection.  He killed Uriah and deceived the nation about Bathsheba's pregnancy.  He also trusted in his own might as evidenced by him counting the people, which brought a grievous chastening upon David and the Nation of Israel.  However even with all this, God saw him differently.

Abraham, called a friend of God, lied while in Egypt, sought to bring about the Lord's promise by way of Hagar and troubled God's people even to this day because of it.  However he too was viewed differently by God.

Again, have you ever heard God tell you that he is pleased with you?  If you don't hear his voice, it is because you hear somebody else's voice instead.  Your heart and mind are flooded with the negative messages of those around you.  This may come from family, friends, and even those in the church.  Make sure that the preaching you get is balanced too.  You should hear messages that convict you of sin and also those that strengthen, uplift and edify you.  From the latter, you should be able to hear in your heart the voice of God tell you that he is pleased with you, his precious child.

Listen for his voice.  He wants to show you how he feels.  

If you would like to read more of these thoughts in a hard copy format, my new book is now available at the link below.

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