Sunday, February 9, 2014

He Lifted Me Out (Mark 1:30-31)

I have read the gospels countless times and each time that I read the words and account of Jesus's life, my heart is moved.  As I read of how Jesus healed Simon's wife's mother, I can identify with a similar miracle that he has done in my life and hopefully in yours also.

But Simon's wife's mother lay sick of a fever, and anon they tell him of her. And he came and took her by the hand, and lifted her up; and immediately the fever left her, and she ministered unto them.  (Mark 1:30-31)

To have a fever in that day was much more serious than it would be today.  This woman, who was loved by her daughter, was in peril of death.  When Jesus entered the house, they desired for him to perform a work of healing.  As the scriptures tell us, he took her by the hand and lifted her up.  It is amazing how Jesus by his touch can lift somebody from the depths of peril and establish them in good health.

It was not long ago when you and I were in the depths and peril of sin.  There was no hope to be found and then Jesus came.  He reached out with his tender loving hand, grasped your heart, lifted you out and established your feet to walk a new life.  The world cannot explain what happened and for me, even after all these years, I cannot explain how it happened.  As the blind man said, "I once was blind, but now I see", I too can say, "I once was in the depths of sin, hopelessness and despair, but Jesus lifted me out."  It was a miracle that changed my life and destiny forever.  Praise be to God.

Immediately after her healing, Simon's wife's mother ministered to others.  God desires for us to do the same.  He lifted us up and set is free for a purpose.  Our purpose is to fulfill our part in his work.  Years ago a bible college teacher defined "The Work" as God using man in his plan for the ages.  God has a plan for the ages and he lifted us out of the pit to be a part in that plan.  As you walk with The Lord today, seek how he may want to use you in ministry to others.  When you recognize the opportunity, step out and be the part of God's that only you were meant to be.

If you would like to read more of these thoughts in a hard copy format, my new book is now available at the link below.

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