Thursday, February 27, 2014

Exalted In Due Time (1 Peter 5:6)

Life is filled with ups and downs.  Sometimes the causes are understandable, but at other times it seems that everything is against you, nothing makes sense and all hope for recovery is nowhere in sight.  What should a person do?  Should they fight? Give up? Run away?  All of these plausible solutions are representative of our efforts to deliver ourselves, but God's solution is different.

Humble yourselves therefore under the mighty hand of God, that he may exalt you in due time: (1 Peter 5:6)

Instead of fighting, try humbling yourself before God.  Kneel before, yield your will, desires and goals.  As you place them before God, you allow him complete liberty with your life.  You know that God is omnipotent: meaning that he can do anything, but there are some things that he will not do.  He will not rob you of your will.  He will speak to you, move your heart and even chasten you, but he will not make you do anything.  When you are humble before God, you give him liberty to do his perfect work in your life.  Many believe yielding to God will limit the joy that can be had in life, but in reality, by yielding to God, you open up to yourself doors of joyful opportunity that you in no other way could possibly experience.

When you do humble yourself before God, he will lift you up.  He is not saying that he will promote you to a higher position among men--although he may do that--but he will lift you above your circumstances in life.

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Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Like The Maniac (Mark 5:1-15)

I remember the 1992 USA Olympic basketball team called "The Dream Team".  Whenever they entered the court, they played circles around their opponents.  They easily executed plays with minimal resistance from the other team and on some occasions had their opponents dumbfounded.  They simply dominated the court.  This type of domination could not compare to what was experienced by the maniac of Gadera.

Mark 5:1-15 is a very familiar passage of scripture on the account of this man.  How this man came to be possessed with devils is unknown, but the bondage and control that he experienced was described.  These fallen spirit beings had a heyday.  They did to him whatever they wanted with minimal resistance and completely dominated his life.

And always, night and day, he was in the mountains, and in the tombs, crying, and cutting himself with stones. (Mark 5:5)

This too was your life before salvation.  You may not have been possessed by a demon, but your life was under the dominating control of sin, your flesh and the fallen spiritual influences upon your life.  No matter how hard you tried, you were unable to break free from their grips.  Your life was crushed under their domination and spiraling out of control.  Then you met Jesus.  His love and power shattered the grip that was upon you and set you free.  He clothed you in with his righteousness and gave you a new right mind.

Jesus's miracle was great when he set the maniac free, but even greater when he set you and me free.

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Saturday, February 22, 2014

Peace In The Storms (Mark 4:37, 39)

The waves were rolling high and every effort to prepared for them was useless.  They pounded upon the sides of the vessel, flooded over into the boat and lowered it deeper into the grips of the sea.  Frantically the disciples tried to bail out the water, but their efforts were met with the dismal blows of the storm.  Unless help would arise, the ship would go down and all would be lost. 

And there arose a great storm of wind, and the waves beat into the ship, so that it was now full...
And he arose, and rebuked the wind, and said unto the sea, Peace, be still. And the wind ceased, and there was a great calm.  (Mark 4:37, 39)

Some 30 odd years ago, my life was in a similar state.  As life pounded upon my empty heart, the swirling sea began swallowing it into despair.  All my efforts towards happiness, were useless.  Pales of success, possessions, and ways of escape were unable to remove the water from my vessel.  Unless help would arise, I would have gone down and been lost.

And then, I finally heard Jesus calling me.  He had been working all the while, but I didn't recognize him.  My sinful heart and religious efforts drowned out the soft tender voice of his calling.  It was only when I fell broken and hopeless that I heard him.  I responded to his call and immediately he was at my side.  He lifted me from the storm and placed me upon a solid rock in the midst of the waves.  No longer could they flood my upon heart.  As they dashed upon the rock upon which I was placed, I experienced no fear.  The storm clouds parted and rays of God's shining love brought warmth to my heart.  The storms of life were still all around me, but as peace and calm are in the eye of the storm, I enjoyed a similar peace and calm in the eye of his care.  For over 30 years , he still brings peace in the midst of my storms.

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Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Living To Meet The Needs Of Others (1 Kings 17:7)

Elijah had just given the mandate that it would not rain endless he spoke that it would.  Needless to say as the rains abated and agricultural conditions worsened, he became very unpopular.  For reasons unexplained, God directed Elijah to the brook Cherith.  While there, The Lord provided water, bread and meat for the sustaining of Elijah.  God could have kept Elijah there and continued to meet his needs for the duration of his judgment upon Israel, but he choose not to.  When the brook dried up, Elijah's life conditions became poor.  When these occured, God directed him to go to Zarephath.  His trial came because of needs in the widow at Zarephath's life.

And it came to pass after a while, that the brook dried up, because there had been no rain in the land. (1 Kings 17:7)

The widow had two great needs: food and the ability to trust the man of God and that his word would be truth.  Elijah's trial put him into the place where he could be used by God to meet the widow's food need.  As time transpired, her son became ill unto death and once again, Elijah was in the right place to be used by God to resurrect him.  Both of these opportunities were the direct result of the brook Cherith drying up and a trial beginning for him.

Our lives are the same.  God prepares us to be used by him and and moves us into the exact location for his purpose.  As your brook dries up and your trial begins, submit yourself to his will and recognize that he is moving your life into a position where you will help others by providing what they greatly need.  You may not be able to perform miracles as Elijah did, but your faith will perform a miraculous effect on their lives.

Friday, February 14, 2014

He Saw Their Faith (Mark 2:5)

This miracle focuses more on faith than some other events.  Faith is important in every aspect of our lives, but in this account it becomes the focus more so because of the audience and the events taking place.  In reading this story, I get stuck on these words about Jesus.

When Jesus saw their faith, he said unto the sick of the palsy, Son, thy sins be forgiven thee.  (Mark 2:5)

Faith is not merely believing that God can work things out, but that God is the only solution.  Because of this, we must have the attitude to do whatever it takes to gain access to him so that his miraculous work can be performed.  For these men, the crowd and building needed to be overcome in order for access be made to Jesus.  For us and the trials that we face, the obstacles may be drastically different.  Nonetheless, we must overcome obstacles to our faith so that our faith may be seen and the petitions of it may be experienced.

Did you ever wonder why Jesus, who knew that these men were bringing a crippled person to him for healing, did not meet and teach in a different location so that they could more easily access him?  I guess the answer to that may be that he wanted others to see their faith and recognize the results that their faith brought. 

Many years ago while working in the steel mill, I was sitting in the shop waiting for an assignment.  The men were talking around the table and the term "born again Christian" came up.  At that time I did not know Christ and everybody around me knew that my life was as vile as they come.  I asked, "What's a born again Christian?"  I was told that it is a person who gives all of his money to the church.  Well, I was taken back and thought that I would have gotten a better answer than that.  I wrote it off that they didn't really know what they were talking about.  Needless to say, less than a year later I would become a Christian.  My transformed life would be on display for all who knew me before.  Just as the lost sat in the house, saw Jesus recognize people's faith and then perform a miracle, the lost men in the shop saw the same.  They didn't like it, but they couldn't get away from it.  They may have despised Jesus, but they could not explain away what he had done in my life.

Several years later, I sat and talked with a man who was my foreman at that previous time.  In conversation he remarked that back at that time, I was basically worthless as a worker, but had somehow turned into a good one."  

Remember, Jesus sees your faith and he wants others to see it too.  When this happens, he gets lifted up before men.  Jesus said, "And I, if I be lifted up from the earth, will draw all men unto me." (John 12:32).  So, live a life for God and allow all to see your faith.

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Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Healed Like The Leper (Mark 1:40-41)

Leprosy was a terrible disease, which most often lead to physical disfigurement and eventual death.  Those with the disease were banished from society and forced to live in colonies.  Not only were these people forced to face the physical struggles associated with the disease, but also the emotional upheaval caused by the longing to be loved and accepted by people that they loved and by others.  In this account, Jesus is confronted by the leper who believes that he has the power to heal him. To me, the greatest aspect of this miracle is that Jesus was moved with compassion for the man and healed him.  

And there came a leper to him, beseeching him, and kneeling down to him, and saying unto him, If thou wilt, thou canst make me clean. And Jesus, moved with compassion, put forth his hand, and touched him, and saith unto him, I will; be thou clean. (Mark 1:40-41)

As I read this account, I tried to see how this miracle relates to me and my salvation.  My first thoughts were that I, like the leper, was not wanted.  Oh, I had many friends, but their friendship was only based on what I could bring to them.  Everybody was concerned about themselves.  I was alone in the world, lost and empty in my heart.  

But Jesus saw my yearning heart.  He looked past my sin, which he terribly hated, and saw me and my needs.  Because he is a God of love, he was moved with compassion instead of vengeance.  His bowels yearned for me instead of a desire for satisfying judgment.  As a parent hurts for their children, God hurt for me and reached out his loving hand with the offer of salvation.  It was then that my life was healed.  I was healed from the inside out.  He first healed my heart, he then healed my wounds and eventually my life.  Praise be to God!

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Sunday, February 9, 2014

He Lifted Me Out (Mark 1:30-31)

I have read the gospels countless times and each time that I read the words and account of Jesus's life, my heart is moved.  As I read of how Jesus healed Simon's wife's mother, I can identify with a similar miracle that he has done in my life and hopefully in yours also.

But Simon's wife's mother lay sick of a fever, and anon they tell him of her. And he came and took her by the hand, and lifted her up; and immediately the fever left her, and she ministered unto them.  (Mark 1:30-31)

To have a fever in that day was much more serious than it would be today.  This woman, who was loved by her daughter, was in peril of death.  When Jesus entered the house, they desired for him to perform a work of healing.  As the scriptures tell us, he took her by the hand and lifted her up.  It is amazing how Jesus by his touch can lift somebody from the depths of peril and establish them in good health.

It was not long ago when you and I were in the depths and peril of sin.  There was no hope to be found and then Jesus came.  He reached out with his tender loving hand, grasped your heart, lifted you out and established your feet to walk a new life.  The world cannot explain what happened and for me, even after all these years, I cannot explain how it happened.  As the blind man said, "I once was blind, but now I see", I too can say, "I once was in the depths of sin, hopelessness and despair, but Jesus lifted me out."  It was a miracle that changed my life and destiny forever.  Praise be to God.

Immediately after her healing, Simon's wife's mother ministered to others.  God desires for us to do the same.  He lifted us up and set is free for a purpose.  Our purpose is to fulfill our part in his work.  Years ago a bible college teacher defined "The Work" as God using man in his plan for the ages.  God has a plan for the ages and he lifted us out of the pit to be a part in that plan.  As you walk with The Lord today, seek how he may want to use you in ministry to others.  When you recognize the opportunity, step out and be the part of God's that only you were meant to be.

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Saturday, February 8, 2014

The Solitary Place (Mark 1:35)

Throughout his ministry, Jesus would pull away from the crowd and spend time speaking with his Father.  As we have heard countless times, we should and must do the same, but is that all we can learn from the passage?

And in the morning, rising up a great while before day, he went out, and departed into a solitary place, and there prayed. (Mark 1:35)

One main lesson is that if you want to effectively speak with God, you need to be without distractions.  With family, TV, and electronic devices informing you of texts and emails, it is easier said than done.  If you wants to spend time without being distracted, you will find it when you pull away to a solitary place.

Another lesson to learn is that when circumstances in life leave you feeling alone and isolated, it's time to pray.  Not only should you should go to a solitary place to pray, but when life puts you in a "solitary place" it is the signal that prayer is needed.

Another lesson that I learned from this passage is that my life is a solitary place.  As I walk through life and interact with all who are around me, I am still alone.  I am alone with God.  It is he and I walking together.  Nobody is able to get into that relationship.  It is my relationship.  I smile with him and there are times that I cry with him.  As much as I desire, I cannot share with others what I experience with him.  Through testimony, I can share what he has done, but my experiences are just that.  They are mine.  My life with God is a solitary experience that I greatly enjoy and look forward to daily.  What continues to amaze me is that God looks forward to that experience with greater delight than I can ever imagine.

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Friday, February 7, 2014

Freed From Spirit Control (Mark 1:23-26)

In the early part of Jesus' ministry, he had entered a synagogue and was approached by a man with an unclean spirit man.  Unclean spirits would possess people and control them.  It was the enemy's attempt to control God's created beings in the same manner as God--via the Holy Spirit-- desires to control us.  By controlling them, the humans' lives would be a mockery to God.  If possible, the unclean spirits would even try to kill the individuals that they possessed.  However, Jesus by the power of his word and through love and mercy, freed the man from the spirits who possessed him.

And there was in their synagogue a man with an unclean spirit; and he cried out, Saying, Let us alone; what have we to do with thee, thou Jesus of Nazareth? art thou come to destroy us? I know thee who thou art, the Holy One of God. And Jesus rebuked him, saying, Hold thy peace, and come out of him. And when the unclean spirit had torn him, and cried with a loud voice, he came out of him.  (Mark 1:23-26)

At salvation, Jesus did the same for us.  Before salvation we were the children of wrath and firmly held in the bondage of sin and the enemy.  Our destroyed lives were a mockery to God and there seemed to be no hope.  But then Jesus with the power of his word through the message of the gospel, broke the chains wherein we were held.  He set us free from bondage and adopted us into his family.  No longer are we held captive.  No longer are our lives a mockery to God.  Instead we have a purpose.  Our purpose is being part of his plan to reach the others who are still strongly held and through the work bring glory to God (Galatians 4:3-9).

Miracles continue to happen: even in this day.  Either your life already is one or a God wants it to be one.

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Wednesday, February 5, 2014

Strength For The Trial (Mark 1:11-12)

After letting Jesus know that he was pleasing to him, God led him into the wilderness for a trial.  God does the same for us.  Trials are never a pleasant event and what we must remember is that we are pleasing to God and the trial has not come because we are displeasing.

And there came a voice from heaven, saying, Thou art my beloved Son, in whom I am well pleased. And immediately the Spirit driveth him into the wilderness.  (Mark 1:11-12)

Remembering that you are pleasing to God will enable you to withstand the battle that will take place in your heart and mind.  During the trial, the enemy will accuse God of being unloving and not caring.  Clinging to the truth of his love and that you as his child are pleasing to him will provide much needed strength.  Sadly those with a legalistic view who never hear God's words of being pleasing to him, will succumb to the lies of the enemy.

If earthly fathers can be pleased with their children in spite of their failures and actions which bring disappointment, how much more can our Heavenly Father be pleased with us.

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Monday, February 3, 2014

I Am Well Pleased (Mark 1:11)

When Jesus was baptized, John saw the heavens open and heard the voice of God the Father speak to the Son.  Although what he saw and heard was for a testimony to him, it also was intended to communicate to Jesus, who at this time was God-Man, that his father was pleased with him.

And there came a voice from heaven, saying, Thou art my beloved Son, in whom I am well pleased. (Mark 1:11)

As a loving father, God communicates his pleasure and acceptance to his children.  Have you heard his voice upon your heart declare that you are pleasing to him?  Have you ever heard those words?  Some may argue that God has never spoken these words to them because they are sinners saved by grace and still struggle with sin.  How can God be pleased with us when we struggle and even fall daily?

Did not God say that David was a man after his own heart?  However, David was far removed from perfection.  He killed Uriah and deceived the nation about Bathsheba's pregnancy.  He also trusted in his own might as evidenced by him counting the people, which brought a grievous chastening upon David and the Nation of Israel.  However even with all this, God saw him differently.

Abraham, called a friend of God, lied while in Egypt, sought to bring about the Lord's promise by way of Hagar and troubled God's people even to this day because of it.  However he too was viewed differently by God.

Again, have you ever heard God tell you that he is pleased with you?  If you don't hear his voice, it is because you hear somebody else's voice instead.  Your heart and mind are flooded with the negative messages of those around you.  This may come from family, friends, and even those in the church.  Make sure that the preaching you get is balanced too.  You should hear messages that convict you of sin and also those that strengthen, uplift and edify you.  From the latter, you should be able to hear in your heart the voice of God tell you that he is pleased with you, his precious child.

Listen for his voice.  He wants to show you how he feels.  

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Sunday, February 2, 2014

His Hand Is Stretched Out Still (Isaiah 5:25)

The book of Isaiah contains writings of the prophet's messages to the people of Israel.  They drifted away from God and had become idolatrous.  Their idolatry caused God to become angry and to smite them because of it.  The scriptures are clear that he was angry.  However, we must ask ourselves, "Was that the only emotion that he felt towards Israel?"  Could God feel another emotion or even one contrary to anger?  Thankfully we can see from the scriptures that God with love was still reaching out in mercy.  This may be confusing to some people.  They may question, how can God be angry and love at the same time?  How can he smite his people and still love them?

I John 4:8 tells us that God is love.  It does not say that he has love, but that he is love.  Because he is the Self Existing One, then he exists to love.  Because he exists to love, he must love.  Isaiah 5:25 shows us that even though God was angry with Isaral, he still wanted them to come to him and his hand was still stretched out to them.

Therefore is the anger of the Lord kindled against his people, and he hath stretched forth his hand against them, and hath smitten them: and the hills did tremble, and their carcases were torn in the midst of the streets. For all this his anger is not turned away, but his hand is stretched out still.  (Isaiah 5:25)

This principle applies to us today.  What we must recognize is that regardless of what sin we may have done and how angry the sin makes God to become, he still wants us.  He will always be reaching out in love, because God is love.  Over the years, I have heard people say that there is a line to be crossed and if you do, you have gone too far and God will not reach out to you.  We must shun such thoughts because they are unscriptural.  For salvation, it is only death that stops God's calling work.  For the saved who have wandered away from God and chose the world, God will continue to work at bringing them back to himself.  Remember, the works and callings of God are without repentance and he will continue to perform them until the day of The Lord Jesus (Romans 11:29; Philippians 1:6).

If you are away from God, he wants you back.  There is no sin that you could commit that would be able to turn his love away from you.  When he found you at salvation, you were worse off than you could ever be after salvation.  He wanted you then and he wants you now.  Your loving father's hand is stretched out still: waiting for you to respond.  The question is, will you respond.

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