Sunday, October 6, 2013

Love: The Missing Ingredient (Proverbs 10:12)

Hatred stirreth up strifes: but love covereth all sins. (Proverbs 10:12)

Why does love cover sin?  Is there not a responsibility for the believer to point out the error of another?  Did not Paul tell us to mark the man that causes division (Romans 16:17)?  If so, then is it not contradictory to admonish us to cover sin?

As believers, there are two relationships that we must consider:  our relationship with others and their relationship with God.  Regardless of what we do for either relationship, it should always be motivated by love.  When a believer falls into sin, our actions towards them should reflect God's love in us.  If The Lord leads us to provide admonishment, then we are instructed to do it in love (2 Thessalonians 3:15).  However this aspect of love goes beyond the scope of the proverb in question.

Proverbs 10:12 admonishes us to cover the sins of another with love.  It is the latter part of the verse referring to hatred and strife.  Just as hatred in the heart of a person focuses on issues and stirs up trouble with those around them, love does its perfect work.  It contrasts hate in that instead of focusing on self and the hurts that have caused hatred, love focuses on others and the needs that they have in order to live successfully.  This act of love should not be confused with the putting on of a loving face and acting in a loving manner, but all the while experiencing other emotions in the heart.  There is too much of this in Christianity today.  It is nothing more than hypocrisy or the playing of a part as one on a stage.  The spiritual person will abide in love (John 15:9-12) and this love will be manifested in how he treats others and in particular, those who have sinned against him.

Parents should not allow the sin of their children to affect their relationship with them as well as brothers and sisters, husband and wife and fellow believers. There is a difference between condoning sin and covering it.  When sin is covered, it cannot be recognized.  Does your relationship with others reflect that their sin is covered or are there actions and attitudes that indicate there is trouble between you and another?  If so, then love is absent.  You can get it by dwelling in God.  There are not three quick steps to complete, but instead a heart condition that needs to occur.  By sitting at the feet of he who is love personified, you will gain this much needed virtue for your life.

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