Saturday, October 26, 2013

Grace For A Purpose (Ephesians 3:8)

Unto me, who am less than the least of all saints, is this grace given, that I should preach among the Gentiles the unsearchable riches of Christ;  (Ephesians 3:8)

Grace is an amazing part of God's plan and mighty work.  Many people have written about it and even more have sung about its wonder and goodness.  As we enter trial phases of our lives, we pray and ask God for his grace.  Sometimes we see others experience the greatest of difficulties yet abound by this grace.  By it we are saved and for daily living Paul says that it is sufficient.  But what is it and why does God give it?

Grace is more than just unmerited favor as it has been demonstrated in the Old Testament.  After the atoning work of Christ was completed, God was enable to work the fullness of his grace which is his divine influence upon our hearts which is reflected in the actions of our lives.  In other words, grace occurs when God does a work in us that we cannot do.  Many sick and dying have experienced this grace.  Those who have buried loved ones have experience this wonder working in their hearts as well as those suffering trials and persecution.  God offers this grace and wants to supply it to all believers.  His purpose for giving us grace goes beyond just the believers' needs and has an even broader and greater purpose.

God's grace working in our lives serves two purposes: to provide for us the strength and victory and also to provide a means of meeting the needs of others.  For Paul, God's grace was given to him personally for his trials and also to empower him to preach the gospel to others.  Dying grace provides strength to those dying, but also accomplishes a work in those witnessing God's grace.  During the greatest of trials that you have faced, God's grace was present for you and testified to others.  Your grace testimony has influenced others beyond what you can imagine.  So as you face your current trouble, remember that the strength you need is available to you in God's grace and that God wants to use you and your grace testimony in a work to help others.

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