Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Like A One Way Street (Proverbs 11:2)

When pride cometh, then cometh shame: but with the lowly is wisdom.  (Proverbs 11:2)

I remember one time driving around a town and trying to get to a particular destination.  Along the way, I made a wrong turn and was trying to get myself turned around and back onto the right track.  Since this was before GPS devices, I needed to figure out my route on my own.  It seemed that each time I was close enough to get back to where I made my error, I would run into a one way street.  I didn't want the street to go in the one way direction, I wanted it to go my direction.  Facing life's problems can much the same way.

When a person's heart is filled with pride, it is like a one way street.  The solution for everything comes from within them.  They never allow advice to come in and influence their hearts and mind because of the pride that resides there.  The Lord warns us that when prides comes into our hearts, the end result will be shame or disgrace.  However for the humble it is different.  They don't see themselves as self sufficient, but instead look outside of themselves for strength and help and desire that it would come into them.  Their end result is wisdom.

This passage warns us to guard our hearts: not only from outside influences that can corrupt our hearts, but from the corruption that has dwelled within man since the fall.  God's word is sufficient to produce all the wisdom necessary for us to be successful, but we must seek it and yield to its teaching.

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