Sunday, January 22, 2017

Propped Up (Psalm 37:23-24)

A number of years ago, my son came to me for help.  It seemed that through a series of wrong decisions, he had found himself in a very poor state spiritually: sin seems to do that.  Although I was greatly disappointed, I willfully stepped in to help.  My support was not based on the severity of his situation, but instead on my love for him.

The steps of a good man are ordered by the Lord: and he delighteth in his way. Though he fall, he shall not be utterly cast down: for the Lord upholdeth him with his hand. Psalms 37:23-24

From this passage, we can see that good men, walking in the direction of the Lord, will fall and it is not of their own volition that they get back up and continue on for the Lord.  They don't get up: in fact it is the Lord who lifts them up and supports them to stand again.

You have seen card board cut outs of people, which contain a prop in the back to keep it standing.  This item  illustrates what the Lord does for us.  When we can't get up, he picks us up.  When we cannot stand, he props us up.  Whatever victory we get, it will not be based on our self will or determination.  It will be based on the goodness of God and his support and strength in our lives.

When you fall, instead of trying harder, look to God for the support and strength you need.  He will be there for you and do the work that only he can do.

As for my son, he too found strength that only God could bring to him.  He stood him up, established his feet and has been guiding him to victory ever since.

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