Monday, January 2, 2017

Knowing Leads to Trusting

Years ago, the GI Joe cartoon had a slogan, "Knowing is half the battle."  That slogan is true for believers as well.  How do you know or view God determines your level of trust.

And they that know thy name will put their trust in thee: for thou, Lord, hast not forsaken them that seek thee. (Psalms 9:10)

If you know God as one who is quickly angered at you and ready to judge, then you will have a difficult time trusting him. However, if you have experienced God's faithfulness and see him as a loving father full of mercy, then you will wholeheartedly cling to him in times of trouble.

The secret to the Christian life is not trying harder or laboring to mustarding up faith, but instead to get closer to him. Just as you and I can trust true friends but shy away from trusting strangers, we will more comfortably trust God as we move from a practically stranger relationship to one as a son resting in the bosom of his father.

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