Saturday, October 31, 2015

The Plan (Psalm 33:11)

God has a plan and nothing will change it.  His plan was from eternity past and will continue to remain throughout all the generations.

The counsel of the Lord standeth for ever, the thoughts of his heart to all generations. (Psalms 33:11)

I am living in the midst of God's plan.  My life is fulfilling his purpose.  Regardless of how I feel or what I think, I am special and significant.  The Holy Spirit's in dwelling and gifts are my abilities and empowerment.  What an exciting opportunity.  What I may think to be casual words or conversations may be instruments to encourage believers or bring people to Christ.  Chance meetings or encounters no longer exist.  Each event is part of God's dynamic and wonderful plan of which I am living on the center.

Praise God for the wonderful opportunity of my life.

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