Monday, September 1, 2014

I Can't Hold It Together (Psalm 130:5)

When I was a kid, my mother said that life was tough.  I believed her, but I didn't know it was going to be as tough as it is.  Have you ever had days where everything just seemed to be going wrong?  Every time you turn around there is yet another problem.  During days like that, I can't wait to get the day over so I can start a new day and as is usually the case, the next day is much better.

However there are times in our lives when one bad day leads into another and yet another.  Our emotions are on edge and we feel like we just can't take another step.  At any moment, we feel like we just cannot hold it together any longer and are ready to fall apart and sometimes we do.  It is those times that we call dark trials.  What is the answer?

I wait for the Lord, my soul doth wait, and in his word do I hope. (Psalms 130:5)

What does it mean to wait for The Lord?  When we wait for The Lord, we are holding it together until he provides relief.  The Hebrew word for "wait" carries the idea of binding together, to collect, or to tarry.  The Psalmist shares his testimony in that his soul is able to hold it together until The Lord provides.  He accomplishes this by focusing on God's word and expecting that God will supply as promised.  

You too can obtain like victory.  In order to do so, you will need to prayerfully expose yourself to God's word.  God cannot strengthen your soul for holding it together if you are unaware or unfamiliar with pertinent passages from his word.  Once you recognize a promise from God's word, you must resist all thoughts and accusations against God and his word. (See previous post: What Is A trial). As you accomplish these two steps, God will provide patience to your soul.

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