Wednesday, September 10, 2014

Broken Hearts (Psalm 147:3)

Has your heart ever been broken?  Of course it has.  Every person at some point in their lives has experienced great heart breaking hurt.  How did it occur?  It is people or circumstances in life that cause our hearts to get broken.  The term broken in scripture means to burst.  I guess that best describes how our hearts have felt when we were rejected by people that we loved, stood at the graveside of a dearly beloved friend or family member, or watched as children or loved ones made destructive life decisions.

Our hearts can also experience this bursting when people that we love are also deeply hurt.  I remember when my son received the news that his maternal grandfather had passed away.  We were standing at the top of the stairs in our home when he broke down and sobbed.  My heart too began to break: not so much for the person who had passed, but because of compassion and empathy for my son.

I imagine that God's heart breaks in like manner.  He became our high priest and was touched with our infirmities.  When we hurt, he understands our hurt and experiences it with us. (Isaiah 63:9). It is for this purpose that God wants to bring healing to our broken hearts.  He healeth the broken in heart, and bindeth up their wounds. (Psalms 147:3)

God, who is the God of all comfort, is able to bind up and heal our broken hearts.  Some people look to him for healing and allow him to do his work.  However, there are others who resist looking to God for help and healing.  Although God wants to bind up the wounds of their hearts, they refuse to allow him and when they do, they attempt to accomplish healing on their own.  We cannot heal our wounded heart.  At best, we can harden our hearts to the pain, which is nothing more than fighting back at it.  

We fight back at the pain with anger.  Anger towards the event itself or against the person who is the source of our pain.  Both pain and anger are negative emotions and unpleasant to the soul, but anger is more easily endured.  Hurt is an emotion that we feel when we are the victim, but anger is the emotion associated with us when we are the aggressor.  Without God, we respond to pain with anger and at best shroud the wound.  However with God, there is healing.  In order to experience this healing, we must exercise faith in the goodness and love of God.  By doing so, we will trust that God, who is sovereign, has allowed the circumstances in our lives to occur and we must trust that he can and will work all things for good both for us and him.

If you would like to read more of these thoughts in a hard copy format, my new book is now available at the link below.

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