Tuesday, July 1, 2014

Truth Is A Shield (Psalm 91:4)

I remember years ago as an electrician, I was wiring up a machine that was designed to weld a seam on fabricated cans.  The job went well until the machine was turned on.  Instead of the welding tool moving along the seam slowly, its speed was erratic.  For the longest time, I pulled my hair out.  That was until I recognized that the wires controlling the speed were being interfered with by magnetic fields that were present: much like picking up stray radio stations as you drive down the road.  The fix was easy. I put a protective shield around the wires and the interference was gone.  

This reminds me much of the Christian life.  We are trying to live for God, but there are so many stray messages to hear that sometimes we get confused and unable to live a stable and consistent life.  What we need is a shield to diffuse the wrong messages. That is exactly what God's word is: a shield.

He shall cover thee with his feathers, and under his wings shalt thou trust: his truth shall be thy shield and buckler.  (Psalms 91:4)

All thoughts, ideas and plans should be filtered through God's word.  His word will reveal the truth of what we should do and expose the messages of error.    Anything that matches with God's word should be permitted to dwell in your heart, soul and spirit.  All other messages messages should be defended against with God's word.  For this reason, we should be daily reading The Scriptures and filling our hearts and minds with truth that will shield us from error.

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