Saturday, July 5, 2014

Trusting Draws You Closer

Yesterday in celebration of our nation's birth, public and private fireworks were displayed.  For most, it was a wonderful time of celebration ending with multiple oohs and aaahs.  However for some it was not so pleasant.

Trauma never takes a holiday.  While some were rejoicing, others were not.  As some may know, my family rescued a German Shepherd with a laundry list of phobias.  While aiding him through most of the night, I learned some distinct lessons about my relationship with God.

While trembling in terror, my family provided support and our presence to him.  Calming words, hugs, and a makeshift place for him to hide provided the strength that he needed.  When firecrackers, M80s and the neighborhood fireworks went off, we quickly responded with "It's okay, Duke.  Everything is okay."  When he responded positively, we lauded him with praise.  This went on until at least midnight, with most of the overnight hours spent transitioning him back to functioning independently.

This morning, Duke came close to me.  He gently licked me--which I really can't stand--and snuggled his head into my chest.  I patted him on the side and gently spoke about how brave he was and that he was a good boy.  It was then that it hit me.  As this dog bonds closets to me after times of trials, I too bond closest to God after the same.  As I shared words of praise for his bravery, God does the same with me for my faith.  What draws the dog closest to me are situations greater than he can bear.  What draws me closest to God are not blessings, but situations greater that I can bear.

In the end, I learned that the best way for me to know God will not come from books, sermons or bible studies, but from trials and his presence in the midst of them.

I will be with him in trouble (Psalm 91:15b)

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