Sunday, June 22, 2014

I'll Choose This Throne (Hebrews 4:16)

Many who struggle in trials feel that they cannot go to God because they feel unworthy.  They feel unworthy because of their struggle with sin and the difficulty they experience with exercising faith in the midst of trouble.  

However, God views us differently.  He knows that we cannot perform as expected unless we have his strength.  That is why he gave us the following verse.

Let us therefore come boldly unto the throne of grace, that we may obtain mercy, and find grace to help in time of need. (Hebrews 4:16)

There are several thrones mentioned in the scriptures upon which The Lord will sit.  He will sit on the Bema Seat or the Judgment Seat of Christ.  Upon this, he will disperse judgment on the faithfulness of believers.  Another seat is the White Throne, which also is for judgment.  This seat is a throne and upon it God will sit and disperse judgment upon all lost souls for the sins that they committed against him.  But then there is the Throne of Grace.  God sits upon this throne and disperses something as well.  However what he disperses is not judgment.  What he disperses upon this throne is grace.  All who stand before the aforementioned thrones will receive some type of judgment, but those who stand before the Throne of a Grace will receive just that: grace.

God instructs us to come boldly to this Throne of Grace.  He wants us to come to him as he sits upon this throne and to speak frankly before.  He wants us to be outspoken about our need for his strength and to ask for it without reservation.  Why does God want us to speak so frankly with him?  Does he not want us to cloak our short comings?  

There is no need to attempt to hide our condition as we stand before him.  He understands exactly what we are experiencing.  The previous verse states that he was touched with our infirmities and tempted as we are.  He wants us to come boldly to his Throne of Grace because he wants us to be victorious.  He understands our plight and wants us to come to him with all of our struggles.  Because he knows that by that act and his strength by grace, we will be victorious.

So, as you struggle.  Go to the Throne of Grace.  Cry out to God speak freely about what you need.  What he promises to give to those who approach this throne is mercy and grace to help in your time of need.

If you would like to read more of these thoughts in a hard copy format, my new book is now available at the link below.

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