Sunday, June 1, 2014

I Prayed and Nothing Happened (Jeremiah 33:3)

One of the most difficult times for me as a believer is when I pray to God while in a trial and he seems not to answer my prayer.  What is so frustrating is that I do not know why he doesn't answer.  Is it because of sin?  Is it because I need to continually pray with importunity like the widow woman and the unjust judge?  Or what?  Why won't he just tell me?

This morning, I heard somebody preach from Jeremiah 33:3.  Call unto me, and I will answer thee, and shew thee great and mighty things, which thou knowest not. I memorized that verse over 30 years ago.  He did quite well.  However over the years, it was always presented that God would hear my prayer, answer and provide for me in ways that I would not imagine or think. It sounded really great, but it wasn't an accurate interpretation.  I guess that is why I would get frustrated: unanswered prayers were not great and mighty.  I wonder how many thought as I did and had become discouraged while in the midst of their trials.

So, what does this verse really mean?  From a quick word study, we can see that God wants us to accost or call out to him.  He promises to answer our prayer, but his manner of answering is not a provision that will end the trial or meet the need.  

We are able to understand things within our grasp and as long as God works in that manner, we understand him and what he is doing.  However, God is transcendent or above and beyond what we are and think. Therefore, he many times will act in manners beyond our understanding.  What he promises to do is reveal an understanding to us.  From this passage, great and mighty things are things clipped or cut off from our knowledge.  God's transcendent ways are also at an inaccessible height to our understanding.  When we pray to him in the midst of dark trials, he promises to reveal things hidden to our understanding.  From the understanding that he provides, we will be strengthened in our faith and enabled to endure.

What God is doing in your life may take some time to accomplish.  When you pray for deliverance, you in essence may be praying for God to cease his work, but if you call out for help in the trial, knowledge of his working will be provided.  It may be in part, but you will gain the understanding that you need.  Trials will come and most will stay with us for some time, but rest assure, God will provide to you what is needed to understand him and his purpose.

If you would like to read more of these thoughts in a hard copy format, my new book is now available at the link below.

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