Sunday, May 18, 2014

We Should Not Be Moved (Psalm 55:22)

Because The Lord promised to sustain you, there should not be any circumstance in life that should cause you to stumble, fall, or give up.  The Lord's presence and power is always there and available.  However, how he wants to provide power and the steps he wants us to take in the midst of trials may not be what we expect or desire.  If trials or troubles have tripped you up, then you must have been trying to stand on your own. 

Cast thy burden upon the Lord, and he shall sustain thee: he shall never suffer the righteous to be moved. (Psalms 55:22)

Many times in trials, we pray for The Lord to remove our trial and we hang on until he does.  But when he does not removed the trial or answer our prayer as expected, we fall.  What we should have done was seek God's face in fellowship.  His fellowship will bring joy to our hearts and the joy of The Lord is our strength. (Nehemiah 8:10)

I remember years ago when I was without a car and unable to cut my budget enough to save and buy one.  Each morning, I left the house before dark and rode my son's bike six miles to a co-worker's house and then commuted with him for the remainder of the trip.  The ride home required me to complete a ten mile trip.  I really wanted God to remove the trial and provide for me a car.  However, he had other plans.  

The last part of my trip required a quarter mile trip up an extremely steep hill.  For each peddle push that I made, I prayed, "God, please give me a car."  Little did I know, but God was more concerned about developing my prayer life than providing me convenience with a car.  A car eventually came.  It was a Volkswagen Rabbit diesel and it was given to me as a gift.  With that The Lord received praise and glory from me and glory and honor before all my co-workers who saw my plight without a car and what The Lord had done.  

In the end, I saw that it was best for the trial to come and for The Lord not to quickly deliver me from the trial.  If trials come your way, it is alright to pray for deliverance, but what is better is to seek his face in fellowship.

If you would like to read more of these thoughts in a hard copy format, my new book is now available at the link below.

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