Wednesday, May 7, 2014

Do I Have To Pray? (Luke 18:1)

Do I really need to pray?  I don't know what to pray.  So how can prayer help?  Is not there something else that I can do to help me face my trials?  These questions have been asked for centuries. However the scriptures give us answers to each of them.

Luke 18:1  And he spake a parable unto them to this end, that men ought always to pray, and not to faint;

Prayer keeps us from fainting or becoming weak.  Prayer does not tire the heart of man, but instead strengthens it.  Fellowship with The Lord will stir the heart of man and bring it strength.  If man ceases to pray, he will become weak.  It is not rest that will bring strength to the heart of man, but prayer.

Prayer is not an option in life, but a necessity.  The Lord tells us that we ought to pray. This means that prayer is a necessity of life.  Years ago Disney put out the movie called Jungle Book.  The movie contained a song called "The Bare Necessities Of Life".  The content of the song contained all things that a bear thought would make life easy and enjoyable.  It may seem good for a movie, but life is not easy.  Each of us face hardships daily and the necessity of life for dealing with these trials is prayer.

Prayer is not one solution of many for life's problems.  It should always be our choice response to them.  There are not many roads leading to God, but only Jesus who is the way.  In like manner, there are not different ways to solve life's trials and struggles, but only prayer.  Without prayer, you will not be responding to your trials in the way that God intends.  Prayer is not an option, but the solution.

When we cease to pray, we give up.

If you would like to read more of these thoughts in a hard copy format, my new book is now available at the link below.

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