Sunday, May 25, 2014

No Reputation (Philippians 2:7)

Jesus went from one end of the being spectrum to the other: from being God to becoming a slave.  He was not forced to make this decision because he had done wrong by positioning himself as God like Lucifer had attempted to do, but willfully chose to do this because of our need of redemption and his loving desire to meet that need.

But made himself of no reputation, and took upon him the form of a servant, and was made in the likeness of men: (Philippians 2:7)

Jesus set the example and the Father wants us to follow.  He wants us to lose our life for his sake.  He lost it for ours and now he wants us to lose ours for him.  His loss was greater than ours.  His loss brought him to a low state of living.  Not a low state of living in sin, but of hunger, thirst, weariness and eventual death.  When we lose our lives, we only lose the desires we have for them.  What God is asking us to do is trifle in comparison to what he has done for us.

What are you willing to lose for God?  Can we really say lose?  For God says that whoever loses his life for God's sake will find it.  But again, are you willing to step away from your life so that God can gain what he needs from your life?

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