Sunday, March 3, 2013

Mount of Transfiguration (Mark 9:2-9)

Jesus leaves the crowd of people and takes three disciples with him up onto a high mountain.  While on the mount, he is transfigured into his glorified state as John would again see him on the Isle of Patmos.  As the disciple see Jesus changed and also the presence of Moses and Elijah, they become exceedingly afraid.  In response to the fear, Peter suggests making three tabernacles.  Peter is corrected by another manifestation of God as his voice is heard from the cloud.

Over the years, I have asked myself countless times why would Peter suggest making three tabernacles similar to that made by Moses.  It is difficult to explain why we do what we do when we are afraid, but fear is Peter's reason.  Man's motivation since the fall has been to perform some work in response to his fear of God.  It started in the garden and has been ever present even up to today.  What Peter failed to grasp is that God wanted to do a work in Peter and the others and was not looking for them to do any work.  

When God reveals himself to you it is intended to affect your relationship with him and not cause you to perform a work.  When he revealed himself to you at salvation, he was working to get you to cease from works and to trust him and his resurrection power for salvation.  As we walk through difficult trials, we are always put into a position so that our works cannot deliver us.  At some point in the trial, God will reveal himself to you.  it will not be a physical manifestation, but he will reveal himself through his word.  It is only when we trust him who is invisible (Heb. 11:27) that deliverance comes.

As God reveals himself to you focus on your relationship with him.  Search your heart for motives, fears, selfishness, shame, goals and worries.  God is trying to work on the condition of your heart.  If there is a work he wants you to do, he will perform it through you when your heart is as he desires.  God is concerned about what you are and not what you do for him.  When you are what he wants you to be, you can then do what he wants you to do.

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