Saturday, March 2, 2013

Direction Versus A Sign (Mark 8:11-12)

Seeking direction from God is not requiring from him a sign.  Those who are seeking guidance have faith that needs direction and the sign seekers, like the Pharisees, have a hardened, adulterous heart that needs repentance.  Matthew 12:38-39

When you need a sign to create or strengthen faith it is a sin because you are testing God.  In reality, you are testing to see if he is listening and still present as he said he would be.  On the other hand, if you need a sign to provide direction or to confirm what you by faith believe to be God's will, it is not sin, but a manner of seeking his face.

Many years ago, I was in the midst of a trial that had lasted for a few years.   My strength was waxing week and I was becoming discouraged.  After praying for some period of time and also weeping, I asked The Lord for a sign to let me know how much further I would need to go.  At that point, I really thought myself to be spiritual.  I then picked up my bible and with my thumb flipped open to a random spot.  I looked down and read, "But he answered and said unto them, An evil and adulterous generation seeketh after a sign."  I closed the bible and in tears cried out to God and asked for forgiveness.  What had I done wrong? I was testing God in order to get something to convince me to have faith.  Had he done something, my faith would have been in the event and not directly dependent upon him.

It isn't wrong to seek guidance from God.  By seeking guidance, we are really seeking his wisdom.  The scriptures tell us to ask for wisdom and for those who seek it, he will not upbraid or rail against them for it (James 1:5).

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