Thursday, November 24, 2016

Praise Can Be Difficult (Psalm 34:1)

Some people today have received the heart breaking news that a loved one has passed away.  Others may be under the heavy burden of finances or the obligations of work.  Children may be a blessing from the Lord, but as you raise them, they may make decisions that absolutely devastate your life.  With life as difficult as it is, is it outlandish to think that God wants us to continually praise him?

I will bless the Lord at all times: his praise shall continually be in my mouth. (Psalms 34:1)

In order for praise to continually be in your mouth, you must have a biblical perspective of life.  You must recognize that God wants to use situations in your life to either develop or display your faith.  When you have this perspective on life, trials and blessings are recognized as instruments for God's glory.  Remember, how you see life determines how you respond to it.

To praise is to boast.  True praise boasts on the goodness of God and it has two purposes: to magnify the Lord and to encourage others to do the same.  It is intended to be public so that others will hear.  When you praise the Lord, you not only magnify him, but you solicited others to do the same.

My soul shall make her boast in the Lord: the humble shall hear thereof, and be glad.  (Psalms 34:2)

Praise is not an attitude that you can just conjure up.  It results from acts of trust.  Throughout the Psalm, David declares the works that the Lord has done for him.  Occasions of deliverance, hearing of prayers and encouragements all resulted from him trusting the Lord and because of them, praise flowed from his lips.

As you face difficult trials in you life, turn your heart to the Lord.  Yield yourself to whatever he wants to accomplish and as you do, his spirit will guide your heart to the treasures that he has in stored and enable you to praise him.

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