Thursday, November 10, 2016

Our Inheritance (1 Peter 1:4)

In 1993, my father passed away. There were a few items that he owned, which were special to me. One item was a jewelry box. I can remember it as far back as my memory can recall. In it, he kept his cufflinks and some small change.  When you open the lid, a song played an a figurine popped up and spun around. Not long after his passing, it was given to me.  Occasionally, I lift the lid and listen to the music. When I do this, my heart stirs as it remembers him. To me the inheritance is of great value.

I have another inheritance that I received for my other father, the Lord God.  This inheritance is so special and it isn't anything like the jewelry box, which has painted that is faded and flaking away. This inheritance will not decay, fade, or change from its purest state. I am assured of this because God said that this inheritance is reserved or guarded for me in heaven. I father has big plans and he isn't going to allow anything to change or defile my inheritance.

Times may change and the world may continue to slip away into greater corruption as they embrace every low form of morality and living.  It may appear as if everything right is wrong and the wrong of this world is right.  Times may be troublesome on the Earth, but not in Heaven.  Remember, God has a plan for you and your inheritance in Heaven is guarded and remains the same.  One day, we will experience  all that he has for us and only then can we fully recognize that what we endured for him was worth it all.

Guaranteed! So instead of focusing on what is happening around you, focus on him and set your affection on things above, not on things on the earth.

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