Wednesday, August 3, 2016

Refuge for the Oppressed (Psalm 9:9-11)

Events in your life can be difficult.  There are times when these events make you feel crushed, injured or afflicted.  Maybe it was the notice you receive in the mail.  The phone call reporting the auto accident or the talk that you had with your doctor.  Each of these challenges that you may face has you crushed in on all sides.  Each thought of the event is as if a whip was afflicting its cruel punishment upon your injured soul.  There appears to be no way out.

The Lord also will be a refuge for the oppressed, a refuge in times of trouble. And they that know thy name will put their trust in thee: for thou, Lord, hast not forsaken them that seek thee. (Psalm 9:9-10)

But God...think of it.  Where else could a person go?  The Psalmist says that God is our refuge.  He is that cleft high up on the rocky cliff.  Nothing can reach us there because it is too high to scale.  In that cleft of the rock, we are safe.  In the midst of our trials, we take refuge in Christ.  Physically we are in the same place, but God lifts our hearts above the turmoil that is oppressing and afflicting us.  

During the troublesome times, it is difficult to recognize God's presence.  He is there and ever present to help us in times of need, but in order for him to work, we must reach out with our souls and cling to him and him alone for help.  Trusting is difficult: a war takes place in the soul between faith and fear.  Fear will always be present, but we trust God when we exercise our faith over our fear. 

All would agree that the best part of a trial is when it is over.  The money problem is solved. The wayward child returns.  The medical treatment was a success.  The relationship was restored.  But It isn't so great because the event has ended.  It is great because we can use our experience with God to encourage and guide others.

Sing praises to the Lord, which dwelleth in Zion: declare among the people his doings. (Psalm 9:11)

Trials in life will come, but God wants to bring you through those trials and when they are over, work his aid to others through you.  

With God, you can do this.

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