Sunday, August 14, 2016

Faithful in Christ (Colossians 1:2a)

To the saints and faithful brethren in Christ which are at Colosse: (Colossians 1:2a)

What is it to be faithful in Christ?  Is it to abide by a doctrine of beliefs?  Do I need to continually learn doctrine and make sure that my beliefs are correct?  Doctrine is important, but looking back over my life, I can say that such a task has been a life-long endeavor.  Doctrine may be important, but it does not make us faithful.

Is being faithful in Christ a matter of living a certain way or up to a certain code of behavior?  We would all agree that God hates sin and that any aspect of sin in the life of a believer is besetting.  But at what point of living would a person be considered as faithful?  How much sin is allowed or how many times can a person fall before they are considered as unfaithful?  If this were the standard for faithfulness, then nobody would be faithful, because everyone is still a sinner and falls short of the glory of God. (Romans 3:23)

So, what is it to be faithful?  The word faithful comes from the Greek word pistos which means faith or believe.  To be faithful could be stated as to be believing.  Those who are faithful in Christ are those who continue to believe in God and his testimony to men.

When the trial comes, they believe in the goodness of God. When they face great need, they believe that God will provide for them as he provides for the birds in the air. (Matthew 6:26). When loved ones die, they believe in look for his comfort. When they have been sinned against, they believe in God's solution and forgive passing all vengeance to God.  The faithful in Christ are those who exercise faith as they face situations in life. Never is it easy, but with Christ in us who is greater than all that is in the world, it always is possible.

To accomplish this, the step is simple: abide in the vine. What is abiding? It is to continue, to tarry, to stay, or to remain with Jesus. It is turning your heart and affection towards him. Jesus commended Mary as she demonstrated this important aspect of the believer's life. To be faithful, you will need to sit at the feet of Jesus and have a love relationship with him. The earlier mentioned incorrect views were part of a duty relationship to Christ. Those you cannot always perform.  God is more concerned with our hearts because when the heart is right, everything else will fall into place.

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